Black Wind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Wind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the new name of the Baekje?
(a) The Keewook.
(b) The Koguryo.
(c) The Kang.
(d) The Khan.

2. What were the two airplanes on the Japanese submarine to be used for?
(a) To rescue military prisoners.
(b) To do strafing runs on the U.S. mainland.
(c) To do surveillance.
(d) To drop weapon canisters.

3. How is the Japanese sub discovered on the ocean floor?
(a) By sonar.
(b) By satellite imagery.
(c) By submersible cameras.
(d) By radar.

4. What virus does Kang's research lab chief try to combine with smallpox?
(a) Anthrax.
(b) HIV-1.
(c) Measles.
(d) H1 - N1.

5. How do Kang and his men plan to sink the Sea Rover?
(a) By planting bombs along the hull.
(b) By torpedo.
(c) By opening the ship's sea cocks.
(d) By calling in an air strike.

6. What is the Japanese Red Army?
(a) A terrorist group during WWII.
(b) A terrorist group thought to be largely defunct.
(c) A special military arm of the Japanese armed forces.
(d) An American militia group.

7. What is the payload on board the I-403's final voyage?
(a) Freeze-dried measles.
(b) Freeze-dried smallpox.
(c) Freeze-dried bubonic plague.
(d) Freeze-dried anthrax.

8. What do Summer and Dirk make their escape from Kang's lair with?
(a) A Korean Coast Gurad cutter.
(b) An inflatable raft.
(c) A small boat.
(d) A helicopter.

9. What possibly airborne toxin seems to be responsible for the illness of the scientists in Chapter 5?
(a) Anthrax.
(b) Bubonic plague.
(c) Cyanide.
(d) Botulism.

10. How does Kang intend for Dirk and Summer to die?
(a) By smallpox infection.
(b) By slow drowning.
(c) By gunshot.
(d) By hanging.

11. Who is Raul Biazon?
(a) A double agent.
(b) A scientist working for the Japanese Red Army.
(c) A helicopter pilot.
(d) A biologist for the Philippine government.

12. What does the British ambassador congratulate the U.S. ambassador for?
(a) His ability to speak Japanese.
(b) His golf game.
(c) An economic partnership with Tokyo.
(d) His taste in clothes.

13. What does Dirk research when stopping at a small town called Warrenton?
(a) A sighting of Japanese spies.
(b) Strange livestock deaths.
(c) An outbreak of a deadly flu strain.
(d) Mysterious deaths which occured in 1942.

14. Where does the research vessel go after returning to port at the opening of Chapter 5?
(a) San Diego.
(b) Olympia.
(c) Seattle.
(d) Tacoma.

15. Where are Dirk and Summer during the attack on the Sea Rover?
(a) Several miles out at sea, away from the Sea Rover.
(b) Recovering bombs from a sunken submarine.
(c) On the Korean mainland.
(d) On the Japanese mainland.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the sunken Japanese ship in Chapter 13 leaking?

2. Who is the section chief of the FBI's International Terrorism Operations?

3. Who is the Ukrainian that runs Kang's research lab?

4. Who is the research vessel looking for in Chapter 3?

5. What do Dirk and Summer find on board the I-411?

(see the answer keys)

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