Black Sun Test | Final Test - Medium

Rebecca Roanhorse
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Sun Test | Final Test - Medium

Rebecca Roanhorse
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Benundah in Chapter 38?
(a) Sun Rock.
(b) Mountains.
(c) Aviary.
(d) Rookery.

2. In Chapter 37, where does Serapio tell Benundah that he will sleep?
(a) The aviary.
(b) An inn.
(c) A cave.
(d) Sun Rock.

3. In Chapter 36, where did Naranpa sleep after she was dragged out of her room?
(a) Empty storage room.
(b) In a cave.
(c) In a shed.
(d) Stone floor in a cell.

4. In Chapter 32, from what clan is Aishe's uncle?
(a) Golden Eagle.
(b) Winged Serpent.
(c) Water Strider.
(d) Carrion Crow.

5. From what canyon in Tova does the Coyote's Maw run off?
(a) Eastern.
(b) Main.
(c) Western.
(d) Northern.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 24, what color ribbons are the people of the Maw wearing to grieve Yatliza's death?

2. In Chapter 29, how many days do Serapio and Xiala have to reach Tova?

3. How long does Zataya believe that Naranpa has been in the water when she and her apprentices drag her body from the river in Chapter 41?

4. How much older is Xiala than Sarapio in Chapter 30?

5. In Chapter 28, where does Zataya bleed as she uses a mirror to scry?

Short Essay Questions

1. How have the priests ensured that Naranpa will not interfere with their plans for retribution?

2. Why did Serapio kill Paadeh and Eedi?

3. How does Aishe tell Xiala to find her if she changes her mind about seeing the city with her?

4. What words did Kiutue have to say when he named Naranpa as his inheritor?

5. What does Okoa do when he gets to Sun Rock in Chapter 42?

6. Who rescues Okoa in Chapter 23?

7. After Serapio takes star pollen in Chapter 37, who reaches out to him and what conversation do they have?

8. How is Xiala rescued when Baat has a knife at her throat in Chapter 21?

9. What does Xiala offer to sell her cargo and ship for in Chapter 29?

10. How do Xiala and Serapio spend the day in Tova?

(see the answer keys)

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