Black Pioneers of Science and Invention Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Louis Haber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Pioneers of Science and Invention Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Louis Haber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old was Banneker in 1772?

2. What was the surname of the company's owner?

3. How old was Banneker when he was introduced to a new religion?

4. In which state was George Latimer born?

5. Which item was not invented by McCoy?

Short Essay Questions

1. Rillieux became interested in what process? What process was in place when Rillieux began? How did Rillieux's invention help the industry?

2. What activity did Banneker undertake when he was 41 years old? Why was the project important?

3. What astounding accomplishment did Banneker make in regards to the building of Washington, DC?

4. What type of company did Woods start? Was the company lucrative? What was Woods' preferred occupation?

5. Norbert Rillieux was born to a wealthy French inventor. What invention did the father create? How did the father's education affect Norbert? Why was the decision made?

6. Explain how Woods taught himself to become an engineer.

7. Banneker became interested in politics. Which event did Banneker attend? Which speech moved Banneker the most in regards to the new government?

8. What were McCoy's natural gifts? What prevented McCoy from working in his chosen field when he returned to the US?

9. Describe George Latimer's contribution to the abolitionist movement, how it came about, and which famous people helped Latimer along the way.

10. What was revolutionary about Matzeliger's invention? What had stopped previous inventors from creating the same machine?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Throughout history inventors have had to face the possibility that other inventors may steal or take credit for their works. How was this done? Give at least five examples of inventions that were claimed by someone else (e.g. Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin). Did this happen to any of the inventors in the book? Did the claims have anything to do with racism? Does one have to prove ownership when applying for a patent? What is involved in applying for a patent?

Essay Topic 2

Several of the inventors in the book came from notable heritage. Explain the heritage of at least three of the inventors, how they were similar, and how the ancestry affected their ability to invent new products, techniques, and machines. Which inventor benefited most from his heritage? Which inventors saw little or no benefits? How did the inventors' education levels affect their ability to invent? What was the most common activity of the inventors after retirement?

Essay Topic 3

Louis Tompkins Wright was most well known for his work in developing a vaccination for smallpox during his tenure in the US Army's Medical Corps. Wright also introduced what kind of medicine? What other field did Wright work in that made significant advancements? How did Wright become involved in research? Did Wright continue to work as a surgeon? Create a time line of Wright's life, education, and professional life.

(see the answer keys)

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