Black Pioneers of Science and Invention Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Louis Haber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Pioneers of Science and Invention Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Louis Haber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the surname of the company's owner?
(a) Maxim.
(b) Andrews.
(c) Mason.
(d) Smith.

2. Woods' first patent was for which item?
(a) Lamp.
(b) Air brakes.
(c) Furnace.
(d) Lubrication system.

3. What was Latimer's position in the company?
(a) Consultant.
(b) Mechanical engineer.
(c) Surveyor.
(d) Draftsman.

4. Banneker spent a great deal of his day performing which activity?
(a) Playing music.
(b) Building machinery.
(c) Chores.
(d) Tending horses.

5. In which state was George Latimer born?
(a) Kentucky.
(b) Arkansas.
(c) Louisiana.
(d) Virginia.

6. To what state the did McCoy family eventually move?
(a) Iowa.
(b) Michigan.
(c) New York.
(d) Illinois.

7. To which religion was Banneker introduced?
(a) Presbyterian.
(b) Quaker.
(c) Catholic.
(d) Baptist.

8. What type of company was opened by Woods?
(a) Newspaper.
(b) Electric.
(c) Shoe manufacturer.
(d) Physics lab.

9. How long did it take for Banneker to create the item?
(a) 4 years.
(b) 2 years.
(c) 6 months.
(d) 1 year.

10. What item was invented during Latimer's association with the school?
(a) Microwave.
(b) Telephone.
(c) Radio.
(d) Dimmer switch.

11. What is the name of the company that hired McCoy?
(a) General Electric.
(b) New York Municipal Transportation Authority.
(c) US Electrical
(d) Michigan Central Railroad.

12. What famous publication eulogized Latimer after his death?
(a) Boston Globe.
(b) New York Age.
(c) Time.
(d) Life.

13. Garrett Morgan designed his most important invention to serve which profession?
(a) Police.
(b) Firefighters.
(c) Soldiers.
(d) Professors.

14. Banneker eventually created his project solely out of which material?
(a) Iron.
(b) Wood.
(c) Scrap metal.
(d) Copper.

15. In what year did Latimer's former master try to claim him?
(a) 1854.
(b) 1842.
(c) 1861.
(d) 1873.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was McCoy's position within the company?

2. Banneker was determined to create/build which item?

3. What phrase was often used in regards to electrical engineering at the time?

4. How old was Banneker when he was introduced to a new religion?

5. For which newspaper did Latimer work as a child?

(see the answer keys)

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