The Black Pearl Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Black Pearl Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose voice does Ramun hear when he reaches the lagoon?
(a) His father's.
(b) Manta Diablo's.
(c) Sevillano's.
(d) Luzon's.

2. What is another name for Isla de los Muertos?
(a) Island of the manta.
(b) Island of the dead.
(c) Island of ghosts.
(d) Island of the living.

3. What epiphany comes to Ramun as he is praying about the pearl?
(a) That it has brought nothing but disaster.
(b) That someone has stolen the pearl.
(c) Ramun reaches no epiphany.
(d) That his father is alive.

4. What "ailment" does the person who refuses go to the celebration claim to be suffering from?
(a) A stomach ache.
(b) A headache.
(c) She does not miss the celebration.
(d) He is out of town.

5. How long after the Salazar fleet sets sail, after the La Paz celebration, does the weather change?
(a) The next day.
(b) The weather was bad when they started out.
(c) The weather did not change.
(d) That afternoon.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does the Manta Diablo pull the boat after it has been harpooned?

2. After Ruiz is killed, where does Ramun return to?

3. One person refuses to join in the celebration of the pearl, what is the person's true "ailment"?

4. What color are the creature's eyes that follow Ruiz and Ramun on their journey?

5. How many days after the storm are the funerals held for the missing sailors?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Ramun and the Sevillano are heading toward Guaymas to sell the pearl, what response does the Sevillano give Ramun when Ramun asks him if he would like Ramun to take the tiller so the Sevillano can sleep?

2. Why does Father Gallardo feel that the Pearl of Heaven has already performed a miracle at the celebration for the pearl?

3. What are some of the provisions the Sevillano brings with him when he follows Ramun to the lagoon?

4. After the Sevillano harpoons the manta and the manta changes course, where is the manta pulling the boat to?

5. What reason does the Sevillano give to Ramun when Ramun is wondering how the Sevillano was saved from the storm?

6. Why do Ramun and the Sevillano have to save their boat from sinking, and what method do they use to bail the water out?

7. Why does Father Gallardo place a cross in the sand?

8. Using details from the text, describe how the Sevillano died.

9. How does the Sevillano react when Ramun tells him that it is the Manta Diablo that almost drowned them and their boat?

10. How do the people of La Paz and the surrounding area travel to the celebration of the Pearl of Heaven?

(see the answer keys)

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