Black Like Me Test | Final Test - Easy

John Howard Griffin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Like Me Test | Final Test - Easy

John Howard Griffin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Griffin, how do whites preserve their place in society?
(a) They prove they are better than blacks.
(b) They interact with blacks.
(c) They work hard at it.
(d) They keep blacks lower.

2. Why does Griffin decide to only go out at night in Montgomery?
(a) So his skin will not be exposed to the sun.
(b) So his body will not overheat.
(c) So he will be safe from riots.
(d) So he will not get the hate stare.

3. How do the children of the young black man say goodnight to Griffin?
(a) They shake his hand.
(b) They dance for him.
(c) They sing for him.
(d) They kiss him.

4. Which of these best describes where the well-dressed black man sits on the bus?
(a) With the whites.
(b) Next to Griffin.
(c) With the other blacks.
(d) He stands.

5. What does Griffin do to his skin to help get rid of some of the color?
(a) Coats himself with oatmeal.
(b) Takes his medication.
(c) Rubs his skin raw.
(d) Runs around town to sweat.

6. According to Griffin's observations, how do blacks on the bus interact with one another at first?
(a) There is an easy, comfortable comradeship.
(b) They give each other hostile looks.
(c) They do not speak to one another.
(d) There is a noticeable tension between them.

7. What does Griffin give the children of the young black man?
(a) Soda pop.
(b) Ribbons.
(c) Candy.
(d) Pencils.

8. What man does Griffin credit with the difference in the attitude of blacks he notices in Montgomery?
(a) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
(b) Ralph David Abernathy.
(c) Nat King Cole.
(d) Inez Baskin.

9. What is the name of the well-dressed black man who gets on the bus at one of its stops?
(a) Alexander.
(b) Beau.
(c) Christophe.
(d) Louis.

10. What state does Griffin decide to travel to during the second day of the sixth section of the book?
(a) Alabama.
(b) Georgia.
(c) Tennessee.
(d) Louisiana.

11. Where does Griffin go immediately after leaving the church?
(a) To meet a friend.
(b) The bus station.
(c) To buy dinner.
(d) A different church.

12. How does Griffin travel away from Montgomery?
(a) A bus.
(b) Hitchhiking.
(c) He drives away in a car.
(d) A train.

13. At the church downtown, what does Griffin pick up?
(a) A newspaper article.
(b) A pamphlet.
(c) A psalm.
(d) A book.

14. At the custard stand, what does Griffin buy?
(a) A coke float.
(b) An ice cream cone.
(c) A glass of ice water.
(d) A soda.

15. In the sixth section of the book, why does Griffin say that the night is a black man's paradise?
(a) He does not have to work.
(b) He will not have to worry about food.
(c) He feels he can blend into the darkness.
(d) He can being traveling again.

Short Answer Questions

1. While he is at the church, why does Griffin pick up the piece of writing?

2. According to Griffin, how do many whites claim to keep their race pure?

3. Where does Griffin stay during the first night of the sixth section of the book?

4. What does Griffin give the wife of the young black man?

5. What do the children of the young black man ask Griffin?

(see the answer keys)

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