Black Like Me Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

John Howard Griffin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Like Me Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

John Howard Griffin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through November 10-12 1959 (pages 38-44).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Griffin's interaction on the way to dinner in the second section of the book affect him?
(a) He is worried because he does not have a driver's license.
(b) He realizes he does not know how to fight.
(c) He wants to be left alone.
(d) He is afraid his identity will be revealed.

2. Which authorities does Griffin decide to notify initially about his project?
(a) The State Police.
(b) The FBI.
(c) The CIA.
(d) The Marines.

3. According to Griffin's observations, what do blacks do to make their lives better?
(a) Work together.
(b) Work menial jobs.
(c) Start new businesses.
(d) Put one another down.

4. What aspect of Griffin's portrayal of a black man does Sterling tell Griffin to work on?
(a) His speech.
(b) His skin tone.
(c) His clothing.
(d) His walk.

5. What does Griffin say blacks use to be noticed?
(a) Gangs.
(b) Bling.
(c) Music.
(d) Sexuality.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the beginning of the second section of the book, how is Griffin feeling emotionally?

2. Besides Sterling, with whom does Griffin eat lunch at the shoeshine stand?

3. At the start of the book, how can Griffin's point of view be best described?

4. According to Griffin in his conversation with Mr. Gayle, what can blacks attain to become more equal in society?

5. Which of these is not a reaction of Griffin's wife when he tells her of his plan?

(see the answer key)

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