Black Like Me Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

John Howard Griffin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Like Me Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

John Howard Griffin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through November 8, 1959 (pages 17-38).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During Griffin's first encounter with a white man, how does the white man act toward Griffin?
(a) He completely ignores Griffin.
(b) He looks at Griffin strangely.
(c) He asks Griffin where he is from.
(d) He spits on Griffin's feet.

2. According to Griffin's observations, what is one tactic whites use to keep blacks in place?
(a) Treating blacks poorly in public.
(b) Letting blacks berate one another.
(c) Limiting the types of jobs blacks can have.
(d) Limiting the types of foods blacks can eat.

3. What major theme is introduced in the second section of the book?
(a) Solidarity among males.
(b) Life and death.
(c) Hate within a group.
(d) Hate between blacks and whites.

4. At the start of the book, how can Griffin's point of view be best described?
(a) That of a black man.
(b) That of personal experience.
(c) That of an observer.
(d) That of a priest.

5. How does Griffin pay for his journey as a black man?
(a) He begs his way through the South.
(b) Unnamed sponsors pay for it.
(c) He pays for it out of his own pocket.
(d) George Levitan agrees to pay for it.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Griffin, what do Southern whites say about the relationship between blacks and whites?

2. How do the other whites react to Griffin's interaction with the white woman on public transportation?

3. What necessity does one black man help Griffin find, immediately after his transformation?

4. Where is the first location Griffin goes to, immediately after his transformation?

5. According to Griffin's observations, what do blacks feel they cannot do?

(see the answer key)

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