Black Leopard, Red Wolf Test | Final Test - Medium

Marlon James
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Leopard, Red Wolf Test | Final Test - Medium

Marlon James
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is described in Chapter 10 as "red and hairy, whose black eyes were small as seeds, and who hopped like a frog" (327)?
(a) Nsaka Ne Vampi.
(b) Kwesi.
(c) Ewele.
(d) Egbere.

2. What is the symbol of the warriors of the Seven Wings?
(a) The albatross.
(b) The red crested moon.
(c) The golden eagle.
(d) The black sparrow hawk.

3. Who carried Fumeli from the hut after he had been enchanted by the bone dust in Chapter 10?
(a) The makala.
(b) Nsaka Ne Vampi.
(c) Ewele.
(d) Tracker.

4. What is the name of the girl who rides with Sogolon?
(a) Venin.
(b) Ilatra.
(c) Mingi.
(d) Kwesi.

5. What does Tracker say time is to all animals in Chapter 12?
(a) Blank.
(b) Lost.
(c) Flat.
(d) Curved.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Sogolon's dress described in Chapter 11?

2. What is Sogolon said to be master of in Chapter 16?

3. What did Ekoiye blow in Tracker's face on the roof in Chapter 11?

4. What is the area of Kongor called where "artists and artisans who made crafts for the homes of the nobles" live (357)?

5. What is the name of the quarter of Kongor in the southwest "with streets for administrators, scribes, and keepers of logs and records" (357)?

Short Essay Questions

1. What forced the tracking party to flee the Great Hall of Records in Chapter 15?

2. What is Impundulu? How is this creature described?

3. Who is Ekoiye and where did Tracker meet with him?

4. Where is the Great Hall of Records? How is this setting described?

5. How does Sadogo feel about his violent past?

6. Who is Sasabonsam? Why is this character important in the novel?

7. How did Mossi explain his reasoning for joining the tracking party in Chapter 16?

8. What are griots and why are they important in the story?

9. How is the setting of Dolingo described? What is of central value to the inhabitants of this city?

10. Where did Mossi lead Tracker to keep him awake in Chapter 16?

(see the answer keys)

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