Black Klansman Test | Final Test - Medium

Ron Stallworth
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 183 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Klansman Test | Final Test - Medium

Ron Stallworth
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 183 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To whom did Ken grant an interview during the rally at Acacia Park?
(a) KKTV.
(b) KPLU.
(c) KGTV.
(d) KCPQ.

2. What favor did someone ask of Ken at the Acacia Park rally?
(a) He asked Ken to show him an official KKK membership card.
(b) He asked Ken to send him a KKK membership application.
(c) He asked Ken to loan him the money to buy a KKK robe.
(d) He asked Ken to send him KKK literature.

3. In what city did Ron live when Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated?
(a) Memphis, Tennessee.
(b) Mobile, Alabama.
(c) El Paso, Texas.
(d) Macon, Georgia.

4. To what location was Ron's KKK membership card delivered?
(a) Ken's house.
(b) The Colorado Springs Post Office.
(c) The KKK clubhouse.
(d) The Colorado Springs Police Department.

5. What simile does Ron use to indicate how the KKK and the Posse Comitatus were getting along?
(a) Like oil and water.
(b) Like cereal and milk.
(c) Like Kool-Aid and sugar.
(d) Like peanut butter and jelly.

Short Answer Questions

1. Ron tells the reader that his contact in the FBI was rather prone to use what literary device in his everyday speech?

2. What is another name for the Nationalist Socialist movement?

3. Ron's membership in the Klan could not become final until he took what action?

4. What fraction of the Colorado KKK membership in 1923 lived in Denver?

5. It is estimated that how many members were part of the Colorado KKK in 1923?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the theme of absurdity enter the narrative during the scene of the anti-KKK rally in Colorado Springs?

2. What does Ken tell the media about the Klan's intentions when he is given a chance to speak at the anti-KKK protest in Colorado Springs?

3. How do the members of Posse Comitatus act toward David Duke?

4. What was the outcome of the 1964 case in Mississippi involving missing civil rights workers?

5. What history of David Duke's life does Ron present to the reader and for what purpose?

6. How does the theme of duality emerge within Ron's observations of David Duke?

7. What was the status of the KKK in 1923 Colorado and how does Ron find out this information?

8. How does the scene between the black man and his five-year-old son also connect with the book's themes of courage and changing times in America?

9. How does Ron enlist the help of other governmental organizations to aid in his own investigation?

10. How is the theme of violence depicted within David Duke's comments to Ron about the black security officer?

(see the answer keys)

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