Black Ice Test | Final Test - Easy

Lorene Cary
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Ice Test | Final Test - Easy

Lorene Cary
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Lorene's goal for the summer?
(a) Meet a boy.
(b) Travel.
(c) Save a lot of money.
(d) Learn calculus.

2. To what student council position does Lorene get elected?
(a) Vice-president.
(b) President.
(c) Secretary.
(d) Treasurer.

3. Why was Ricky Lockhart's visit a problem?
(a) Because he arrived by surprise.
(b) Because he burst in by force.
(c) Because she had told him not to come.
(d) Because he arrived a night early.

4. What does Lorene feel about the sport she chooses for spring?
(a) She comes to loathe it.
(b) She does not hate it.
(c) She masters it quickly.
(d) She is passionate about it.

5. What distinction does Lorene earn in winter term?
(a) She is elected to student council.
(b) She is elected captain of the soccer team.
(c) She takes first place in two of her classes.
(d) She scores winning goals in two soccer games.

6. What are white students anxious to disown, according to Lorene?
(a) The progress they took for granted.
(b) The wealth they inherited.
(c) The expectation of conventional success.
(d) The sins of their grandparents.

7. What does Lorene say the other students do before Spring Break?
(a) Study for midterms.
(b) Clean up their rooms.
(c) Buy bathing suits.
(d) Party.

8. What change is marked by Lorene hitting her sister?
(a) She has stopped being family, and begun to be a stranger to her sister.
(b) She is no longer a child and playmate.
(c) She has treated her sister the way the cook at the diner treated her.
(d) She has internalized the violence of her white surroundings.

9. What does Lorene say she likes about her sport?
(a) The thrill of victory.
(b) The teamwork.
(c) The speed.
(d) Watching the scenery.

10. Who realizes that Lorene is high?
(a) Her teachers.
(b) The other students.
(c) The dorm parent.
(d) Her parents.

11. What does Lorene say she looks forward to as part of her committee work?
(a) Forgiveness.
(b) Harmony.
(c) Progress.
(d) Repentance.

12. Where does Lorene apply to college?
(a) Columbia.
(b) Penn.
(c) Berkeley.
(d) Harvard.

13. How does Jimmy make up for his theft?
(a) With a public sculpture.
(b) By making a donation to the school.
(c) With a day of dancing.
(d) By volunteering for a day.

14. What does Lorene pretend to do?
(a) Sleep with boys.
(b) Smoke pot.
(c) Drink.
(d) Fail her classes.

15. With what does Lorene return to St. Paul's in Chapter 6?
(a) Definite goals.
(b) Better study techniques.
(c) A bad reputation.
(d) Insecurities.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Booker?

2. What is Lorene's response to marijuana when she smokes it?

3. Who is Archibald Cox talking about when he says "our kind of people"?

4. What is Lorene's view about how blacks should address inequality in American culture?

5. Of what is Lorene terrified by the end of Chapter 6?

(see the answer keys)

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