Black Ice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lorene Cary
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Ice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lorene Cary
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lorene say her feelings about calling St. Paul's were?
(a) Nervousness.
(b) Pride.
(c) Humility.
(d) Shame.

2. What does Lorene say St. Paul's effect on her was?
(a) It prepared her for being an adult, married woman.
(b) It kept her in her black skin.
(c) It let her escape her race while she was getting an education.
(d) It let her become comfortable in her black skin.

3. What does Lorene's mother tacitly offer to her?
(a) Money for a return ticket if she is miserable at St. Paul's.
(b) Suggestions on marrying rich white boys.
(c) Advice about getting on the boys' good side.
(d) Resources for an abortion if necessary.

4. How is Lorene portrayed in the summary of the novel?
(a) As a child of privilege.
(b) As a trailblazer.
(c) As a hard worker.
(d) As an exception to the rules.

5. What lie does Lorene tell Mr. Dick?
(a) That she had never heard of St. Paul's until a month ago.
(b) That she likes school most of the time.
(c) That her high school has many high-performing students.
(d) That she hates school.

6. What does Lorene do after getting into St. Paul's?
(a) Throws herself into school life.
(b) Take on volunteer projects.
(c) Begins to affect a New England accent.
(d) Go out with white boys.

7. About what does Lorene say it is hardest to write?
(a) Teaching.
(b) Race.
(c) Family.
(d) School.

8. How does Lorene describe her parents?
(a) Humble mixed-race couple in their 40s.
(b) Ambitious black couple in their 30s.
(c) Devout black Quakers in their 30s.
(d) Protective adoptive white couple in their 40s.

9. What does Lorene's housemaster tell her about grades?
(a) That she is doing fine.
(b) That she is about to fail out.
(c) That she needs to improve.
(d) That she needs to work harder.

10. What are Lorene's feelings about her classmates?
(a) She feels like the pride of her school.
(b) She feels persecuted.
(c) She feels left out.
(d) She feels like a mascot.

11. What did Lorene's mother say she had not done until after she was married?
(a) Learned about sex.
(b) Opened a checking account.
(c) Lived away from her parents.
(d) Left her state.

12. How does Lorene describe the black kids she meets at St. Paul's?
(a) Subdued.
(b) Militant.
(c) Africanized.
(d) White-looking.

13. How often do the students have assigned tables for meals?
(a) Four days a week.
(b) Two days a week.
(c) Five days a week.
(d) Seven days a week.

14. What does Lorene's mother ask at the meet and greet?
(a) Who will protect her daughter from the white students' insults.
(b) Who will teach her daughter to withstand white culture.
(c) Who will advocate for her daughter.
(d) Whether competition will be fair.

15. For what does Mr. Dick say Lorene should be prepared at St. Paul's?
(a) Racism and condescension from her teachers.
(b) Competitiveness and even meanness in the students.
(c) Relentless work without breaks.
(d) Three hours of homework every night.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lorene dream about in her first term at St. Paul's?

2. Into what class is Lorene admitted?

3. What stereotypes does Lorene hear about black people?

4. How does Lorene interpret her dreams?

5. When does Lorene get mad?

(see the answer keys)

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