Black House: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black House: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What signs should be put up in French Landing as it is explained in Chapter two?
(a) Warning! Pot holes and low water bridges ensue.
(b) Warning! Slippage in progress! Pass at your own risk!
(c) Warning! Death abides here and will be happy to visit you.
(d) Warning! Fisherman is casting his nets! Keep your children close!

2. What does Danny think that Beezer and Dale look like in Chapter thirteen when he sees them talking outside of Ed's Eats and Dawgs?
(a) Liek they planned to meet there.
(b) Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.
(c) Old high school friends.
(d) Two heads of state.

3. What does Dale tell Jack he should do with the package that he received from the Fisherman?
(a) Put it back in the mail box.
(b) Burn it.
(c) Leave it at Ed's.
(d) Hide it.

4. In Chapter thirteen, why does Hoover Dalyrmple tell Pam that he will not speak to Danny?
(a) Danny has no interest in the rights of people.
(b) Danny is a scab.
(c) Danny is a pig.
(d) Danny used to date Hoover's niece.

5. What does Fred read had been found on John Wesley Irkenham's dismembered body?
(a) Fresh tattoos.
(b) Burn marks.
(c) Stab wounds.
(d) Bite marks.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jack say when Estelle Packard asks him if he is her father?

2. What does Henry say when Jack says that he did feel like a cop when he went back to the police station rather than a person playing a cop?

3. What has been done to the children that were found as it is described in Chapter one?

4. What does Beezer say when Bear Girl tells him not to get into any fights in Chapter eleven?

5. What does Judy write on the note pad in Chapter two?

Short Essay Questions

1. When they arrive at Ed's Eats and Dawgs, what does Dale tell Jack he should do?

2. In Chapter four, what does Henry tell Jack has been happening to him lately while Jack is driving Henry home?

3. Describe what happens in Chapter eight when Jack interviews the three boys that Tyler had last been seen with before he was taken from outside Maxton's.

4. What does Burny do in Chapter fifteen?

5. What is explained about Nailhouse Row when it is first described in Chapter one?

6. Explain what is known about Henry Leyden that is shown in chapter three.

7. What does Wendell want to get from Irma's crime scene as he heads out to Ed's Eats and Dawgs?

8. Describe the scene at Irma Freneau's mother's house in Chapter fifteen?

9. Describe the conversation that Jack and Wendell Green had that Jack recalls in Chapter four while cooking an omelet.

10. What do Henry and Jack discuss in chapter eight when Jack is telling Henry of going to the police station to talk to Fred and the three boys that had been with Tyler?

(see the answer keys)

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