Black Enough Test | Final Test - Hard

Brandy Colbert, Coe Booth, Dhonielle Clayton, Ibi Zoboi, Jason Reynolds, Jay Coles, Justina Ireland, Kekla Magoon, Lamar Giles, Leah Henderson, Liara Tamani, Nic Stone , Renée Watson, Rita Williams-Garcia, Tochi Onyebuchi, Tracey Baptiste, and Varian Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Enough Test | Final Test - Hard

Brandy Colbert, Coe Booth, Dhonielle Clayton, Ibi Zoboi, Jason Reynolds, Jay Coles, Justina Ireland, Kekla Magoon, Lamar Giles, Leah Henderson, Liara Tamani, Nic Stone , Renée Watson, Rita Williams-Garcia, Tochi Onyebuchi, Tracey Baptiste, and Varian Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the artist who sings the song Clara is dancing to in "Gravity"?

2. How many people live in North Salem?

3. Where is Devon going to college in the fall in "Kissing Sarah Smart"?

4. What was the name of Skyler's pet pig in "Wild Horses, Wild Hearts"?

5. What branch of the military is Devon's father in in "Kissing Sarah Smart"?

Short Essay Questions

1. In "the Trouble with Drowning," what has been the relationship between Madeleine and Lena?

2. How did Clara's friend Myesha in Trinidad ruin her reputation in "Gravity"?

3. At the end of "Samson and the Delilahs," what does Sobechi want to thank Desiree for?

4. What feud does Tank's family have and why in "Wild Horses, WIld Hearts"?

5. How do Devon and Sarah meet in "Kissing Sarah Smith"?

6. In "Stop Playing," who is Lucas?

7. Why is Big Red so special to Tank in "Wild Horses, Wild Hearts"?

8. In "Gravity," where are Clara and her family living since they came from Trinidad to the U.S.?

9. What conversation do Dante and his great-grandmother have regarding Dante's vision?

10. In "Wild Horses, WIld Hearts," why is it important for Tank to win the race according to his father?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Dialogue tags help identify who is speaking in a written conversation. What would happen if dialogue tags were never used to identify who is speaking in a written conversation? What are some common dialogue tags used to identify speakers in the stories in Black Enough? How do those dialogue tags help readers imagine scenes? How do they add another layer of description?

Essay Topic 2

Sobechi hears heavy metal music for the first time in “Samson and the Delilahs.” How does the music affect Sobechi at first? How does he come to enjoy the music? What gifts does he gain from the music and why?

Essay Topic 3

Accumulation is a literary device that allows an author to gather scattered ideas in a literary work and gradually build on information readers need to know. From whose perspective is “The Trouble with Drowning” told? How does Clayton use that perspective and accumulation to reveal who Madeline is and what happened to her? How does accumulation advance the plot and provide important details to readers?

(see the answer keys)

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