Black Dogs Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Dogs Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why was Jeremy hesitant to visit Majdanek?
(a) He did not understand why anyone would go there.
(b) He was reluctant to spend the money.
(c) He did not have the time.
(d) He had been to Belsen once and that was enough for him.

2. In Part Two, what news does Bernard have when he calls Jeremy and Jenny at home?
(a) He was getting remarried soon.
(b) He is leaving for a vacation in Germany.
(c) He is very ill and may be dying.
(d) The Berlin Wall is coming down.

3. When the father of the small boy at dinner lights a cigarette, why does that give Jeremy a tiny bit of relief?
(a) The man's hands are a little shaky.
(b) The cigarette will not light.
(c) He knows the man will not bother him.
(d) He hopes he can borrow a cigarette from him.

4. Where do Jeremy and the father in the hotel restaurant go after speaking?
(a) Outside.
(b) To the kitchen.
(c) Back to their tables.
(d) Upstairs.

5. When Jeremy, in Part Two, tells Bernard what June spoke about in a personal way about the two of them, how does Bernard react?
(a) He is angry and says she got an important detail wrong.
(b) He begins to cry.
(c) He laughs and says it was just like her to say that.
(d) He turns on his heel and leaves Jeremy without a word.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part Three of the book, Jeremy asks Bernard to tell him the details of a story. Which story is that?

2. Bernard quotes some lines attributed to Isaiah Berlin to Jeremy. What are they about?

3. What happens to Bernard when a group of teenagers approach him at the Berlin Wall?

4. How does Jenny react when Jeremy tells her that he thinks he is going mad with listening to these conversations in his head?

5. What are Jeremy and Bernard walking towards in Part Two to get to a better section of the Wall?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Jeremy is working outside the bergerie the day after he arrives, he is pruning peach trees. What do Bernard and June say to one another in his imagination?

2. When Bernard and June are waiting at the train station to go into Arles, why do they walk into town instead of continuing to wait?

3. What is it that Jeremy mulls over as having discouraged him from rushing to open the electrical cupboard to turn on the lights, and why?

4. In Part Three when Jeremy and Bernard are at the airport, how does Bernard answer Jeremy's question about the black dogs?

5. Why is Jeremy afraid when he goes to open the bergerie after it had been closed up for two months?

6. When Jeremy first meets Jenny at a convention, why is that he can't get to speak to her alone?

7. When Jeremy and Jenny first speak to each other of their parents, what intrigues Jeremy?

8. When Bernard recalls the story in Part Two of him and June standing on the train platform and he asks June to give him a dragonfly, how does June know that Bernard wants to kill it?

9. What would be an apt description of the small family staying at the hotel?

10. What do the father and mother do to the boy at dinner?

(see the answer keys)

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