Black Dogs Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Dogs Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bernard think of living in and reflecting upon the present?
(a) It is the only way to live.
(b) It should be combined with the past.
(c) One can learn about life.
(d) It is self-indulgent.

2. What did Harper do for a living?
(a) He was a part-time teaher.
(b) He was a bouncer at a bar.
(c) He worked in a bank.
(d) He was a security guard.

3. Why did Jeremy work so hard at studying for his A levels?
(a) To find the right girl at a new school.
(b) He wanted to prove how smart he reallly was.
(c) To attract an older woman.
(d) He wanted to go to university and leave home.

4. What is happening in Jean and Harper's relationship?
(a) They are expecting another child.
(b) They have decided to have an "open marriage".
(c) They are coming apart.
(d) They are engaged.

5. What was June's basic view about life?
(a) God had no hand in it.
(b) It was best not to examine it.
(c) Life was random.
(d) It had a purpose.

Short Answer Questions

1. What organization did June join when she was eighteen-years-old?

2. From what year is the framed photograph on June Tremaine's locker by her bed in the nursing home?

3. What disease was June dying of?

4. How many children does Jeremy end up having?

5. To whom does Jeremy dedicate his memoir?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Jeremy feel about leaving home for Oxford and being free to live on his own?

2. Why did Jeremy feel that Toby Langley did not appreciate his parents?

3. When Bernard and June were not talking about their own personal world while dating, what were their conversations about?

4. Does Jeremy feel like a surrogate parent to Sally?

5. What was it about his friends' parents that interested Jeremy?

6. In Part One, we know that Jeremy is a bit obsessed with looking at a photograph of June and Bernard that June keeps in her bedroom in the nursing home. What are Jeremy's predominant thoughts when he views the photo?

7. Why does Jeremy state that he naturally identifies with an abandoned child like Sally?

8. Why did June and Bernard separate, according to the Preface?

9. Why is Jeremy in such discomfort at a point in Part One when June is speaking to him of God and religion?

10. When Bernard's grandson, Alexander, asks his cousin, Harry, at June's burial when his grandma will be coming back, how does Harry's answer nearly sum up June's and Bernard's relationship problems?

(see the answer keys)

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