Black Dogs Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Dogs Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who ends up saving Bernard from the teenagers?
(a) A West German policeman.
(b) An East German policeman.
(c) A young woman who yells at them.
(d) Jeremy.

2. Jeremy hears a running conversation in his head while in the bergerie, alone. Who is talking in his head?
(a) Sally and Jean.
(b) June and Jenny.
(c) June and Bernard.
(d) Jenny and he.

3. Where did Jenny want to go while at the convention?
(a) To the movie theatre.
(b) Home.
(c) To a concentration camp.
(d) To Krakow.

4. What is it about a small boy dining at the hotel that touches Jeremy?
(a) He feels the boy's loneliness.
(b) The boy's friendliless towards everyone.
(c) The boy is very obedient to his family.
(d) Jeremy has a grown-up conversation with him.

5. What symbol do some of the teenage boys who harass Bernard have on their selves?
(a) Skull and crossbones.
(b) Swastikas.
(c) Peace signs.
(d) Sickle and hammers.

6. What was Bernard's attitude towards the insect and, as he understands now, most things and June?
(a) Unresponsive and quiet.
(b) Unemotional and arrogant.
(c) Loving and highly emotional.
(d) Humorous and carefree.

7. When Jenny told Jeremy she considered him a friend and touched his hand, what happened next?
(a) He told her he had a girlfriend in England.
(b) He backed away.
(c) He kissed her.
(d) He stood still, not knowing what to do.

8. Bernard quotes some lines attributed to Isaiah Berlin to Jeremy. What are they about?
(a) The risks of Communism.
(b) Hitler's Nazi Party.
(c) The fatal quality of utopia.
(d) Freedom of choice for all people.

9. Why does Bernard stare at girls on the street?
(a) He thinks of his daughter, Jenny.
(b) He is attracted to beautiful young women.
(c) He is looking for a trace of the old June.
(d) He wonders if they could be converted to the Party.

10. Bernard accuses June of having left the Party years before he did, but for a different reason. What was her reason, according to Bernard?
(a) June wanted to trade that utopian ideal for another.
(b) June wanted to be as different from Bernard as she could be.
(c) June saw a tragic flaw in Communism and became an atheist.
(d) She converted to Stalinism.

11. When Bernard and Jeremy are at the Berlin Wall, why are some of the crowd watching and listening to them both?
(a) Bernard is crying loudly, asking for June.
(b) Jeremy is yelling at Bernard about love.
(c) They are hitting one another in the arm.
(d) Jeremy is screaming that Bernard is the father he never had.

12. What does June tell Bernard shortly after they are married and Bernard kills an insect?
(a) She wants an annulment.
(b) That he is a brilliant man of science.
(c) That she is pregnant.
(d) She now hates him.

13. When the teenagers take their leave, how do they do it without losing face?
(a) They spit and curse at the crowd.
(b) One of them gives Bernard a punch in the stomach before leaving.
(c) They walk away slowly and pretend they are bored.
(d) They shoot a gun in the air.

14. In what way did Jeremy realize he had heard of Jenny's father, Bernard Tremaine?
(a) From a chance meeting at an airport.
(b) From radio programs and his biography of Nasser.
(c) From television talk shows.
(d) He had read his autobiography.

15. When do Jenny and Jeremy end up getting married?
(a) Ten months after they first meet.
(b) The day after their first excursion together.
(c) They never actually marry.
(d) Three years after meeting.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why was Jeremy hesitant to visit Majdanek?

2. When Jeremy speaks to the father eating dinner in the hotel, what grammatical error does he make?

3. What does Mme. Auriac give to Jeremy while waiting for the police to arrive?

4. When Jeremy, in Part Two, tells Bernard what June spoke about in a personal way about the two of them, how does Bernard react?

5. What did the sign posted outside of Majdanek's main entrance not mention?

(see the answer keys)

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