Black Dog of Fate: A Memoir Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Balakian
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Dog of Fate: A Memoir Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Balakian
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Dovey's daughter Margaret die?
(a) Leukemia.
(b) Brain tumor.
(c) Skin cancer.
(d) Breast cancer.

2. In what year was Morgenthau appointed ambassador to Turkey?
(a) 1910.
(b) 1915.
(c) 1908.
(d) 1913.

3. According to the quote from Ambassador Morgenthau, for how many days did the 18,000 Armenians march, before arriving in Aleppo during an early death march?
(a) Seventy days.
(b) Sixty days.
(c) Ninety days.
(d) Eighty days.

4. Who wrote The Nazi Doctors?
(a) Bernard Lewis.
(b) Heath Lowry.
(c) Robert Jay Lifton.
(d) Norman Itzkowitz.

5. What did Balakian say best represented his family's assimilation in American society?
(a) His father's medical practice.
(b) His family's education.
(c) His family's country club membership.
(d) His family's life in suburbia.

6. Where were the Roman ruins visited by Balakian in Syria, after his visit to Der Zor?
(a) Damascus.
(b) Palymra.
(c) Zenobia.
(d) Aleppo.

7. In what city was the attorney's office which helped Balakian's grandmother file the compensation claim?
(a) New York.
(b) Tenafly.
(c) Atlantic City.
(d) Newark.

8. In what part of Syria is Der Zor located?
(a) Eastern.
(b) Southern.
(c) Western.
(d) Northern.

9. In what year did a devastating earthquake hit Armenia?
(a) 1990.
(b) 1982.
(c) 1985.
(d) 1988.

10. What kind of business did Dovey's family run in the United States?
(a) Dry cleaning.
(b) Courier.
(c) Office cleaning.
(d) Taxi.

11. In what year was the construction of the Der Zor memorial completed?
(a) 1999.
(b) 1997.
(c) 1995.
(d) 2001.

12. Where did Balakian carry the bones he collected at Der Zor when he went through customs in New York?
(a) A leather shoulder bag.
(b) His coat pocket.
(c) His check-in luggage.
(d) His jeans pocket.

13. What is a hamal?
(a) Dock loader.
(b) Turkish police officer.
(c) Government official.
(d) Ambassador.

14. During the death march Dovey was on, what did the Armenians eat when they were near the Roman ruins at Ourfa?
(a) Grasshoppers.
(b) Beetles.
(c) Snakes.
(d) Locusts.

15. Until what year were Christians forbidden to serve in the Ottoman army?
(a) 1908.
(b) 1914.
(c) 1910.
(d) 1915.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what city did Balakian's co-worker Jimmy grow up?

2. In what year was Ambassador Morgenthau's Story published?

3. About how many Armenians were sent on the forced marches into the desert during the first six months of the genocide?

4. When was the Umayyad Mosque built?

5. What disease did Balakian's grandmother almost die from when the family was in Aleppo?

(see the answer keys)

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