Black Boy Out of Time: A Memoir Test | Final Test - Medium

Hari Ziyad
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Boy Out of Time: A Memoir Test | Final Test - Medium

Hari Ziyad
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the "Epilogue: A Prayer for my Grandmother," how does Hari perceive his entry into the television industry through the page program?
(a) He realizes that industry connections play a significant role in the selection process.
(b) He is thrilled to be selected for such a prestigious program.
(c) He feels that his skills are the primary reason for his acceptance.
(d) He finds the program to be highly affordable for him.

2. What concern does Lisa express about her friendships when Hari and Timothy become serious partnerships?
(a) She wants to be included in their wedding plans.
(b) She fears that her friends will move away.
(c) She worries about her friends' financial stability.
(d) She feels neglected and forgotten.

3. In Canto II: Queer, "Chapter 9: Representation Matters?", what is Hari's initial perception of moving to New York City for college?
(a) He is expected to find more Black faces at NYU.
(b) He is worried about being away from hisparents.
(c) He is excited to explore his queerness without restrictions.
(d) He is hesitant to leave his hometown.

4. In Canto II: Queer, "Chapter 12: A Prayer for New Language," what significant event occurs between Hari and Timothy at the picnic?
(a) They meet Timothy's ex-boyfriend.
(b) They share their first kiss.
(c) They get into an argument.
(d) They exchange engagement rings.

5. In Canto II: Queer, "Chapter 13: Logging Out of Passport Twitter," why does Hari's friendship with Cloud become an issue?
(a) Cloud's excessive drinking habits.
(b) Cloud's failure to understand the concept of gentrification.
(c) Hari's refusal to engage with white people.
(d) Hari's unwillingness to confront anti-Blackness.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Canto III: Free, "Chapter 14: A Prayer for Healing," what does Hari challenge in his perspective on the causes of death?

2. In Canto III: Free, "Chapter 16: A Prayer for Freedom," why does Hari feel lonely?

3. In Canto II: Queer, "Chapter 11: My Gender is Black," how does Hari feel about the blame he places on his parents?

4. What does Hari's father deny vehemently?

5. In Canto III: Free, "Chapter 15: Trigger Warning," what is the primary focus of Hari's discussion regarding sexual violence?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Canto II: Queer, Chapter 13: "Logging Out of Passport Twitter," discuss the significance of setting healthy boundaries in Hari's relationship with Cloud.

2. In Canto III: Free Chapter 14: "A Prayer for Healing," how does Hari draw a connection between historical colonization and current global health challenges? What impact does this connection have on marginalized communities?

3. In Canto III: Free Chapter 16: "A Prayer for Freedom," analyze Hari's fear of being perceived as dangerous due to his queerness when caring for Nikkee's toddler, Martin. How does this fear impact Hari's behavior and self-expression?

4. In Canto II: Queer, Chapter 11: "My Gender is Black," how does the historical context of the African slave trade and its impact on Black individuals influence the limitations of language in describing gender and identity?

5. In Canto III: Free Chapter 14: "A Prayer for Healing," describe Hari's reflection on the concept of "social distancing" (183) and its implications for different groups within society.

6. In Canto II: Queer, Chapter 10: "A Prayer for Choice", how does the metaphor of being "buried" and "digging" (136) relate to Hari's struggles with self-acceptance and societal norms?

7. In Canto III: Free Chapter 14: "A Prayer for Healing," how does Hari challenge the conventional notion of dying from old age? What alternative perspective does he present?

8. In Canto II: Queer, Chapter 10: "A Prayer for Choice," how does the relationship between Hari and his cousin Justus reflect the theme of acceptance?

9. In Canto III: Free Chapter 15: "Trigger Warning," discuss the complexities of consent and coercion in the context of childhood sexual experiences. How does manipulation play a role in shaping these experiences?

10. In Canto II: Queer, Chapter 10: "A Prayer for Choice," how does the theme of queerness intersect with Hari's reflections on his family and upbringing?

(see the answer keys)

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