Black Boy Joy Test | Final Test - Medium

Kwame Mbalia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Boy Joy Test | Final Test - Medium

Kwame Mbalia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What sport does Malcolm play in "The Gender Reveal"?
(a) Basketball.
(b) Football.
(c) Cross-country.
(d) Soccer.

2. How many singers beside DJ Amplified are in the Juice Box Squad?
(a) 3.
(b) 5.
(c) 4.
(d) 2.

3. When Taye comes to see CJ, how long has it been since CJ has been in the same room as someone who was not his mother?
(a) 1 1/2 weeks.
(b) 2 1/2 weeks.
(c) 3 weeks.
(d) 3 1/2 weeks.

4. What move was CJ Walker doing when he crashed on his skateboard?
(a) De Comply.
(b) Alpha Flip.
(c) 540 McTwist.
(d) 720 Flip.

5. What is the name of the telepath on Team Glitch on page 209?
(a) William.
(b) Paul.
(c) Laurence.
(d) Robert.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the official Juke Box Soda colors?

2. In "Coping," for how many minutes can CJ Walker fly?

3. When Grandpa Charlie was with the 332nd Fighter Group, what was his plane called?

4. What color is the floor on page 153?

5. What type of mac and cheese does Daed's Auntie Deidra make on page 206?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is the first birthday suit like that Malcolm sketched in "The Gender Reveal" different from the one he is making?

2. What is Fuerza?

3. What does Janet say about Malcolm's fashion sense in "The Gender Reveal"?

4. How do Keziah and Adanna get off the Stonehound?

5. Why does Grandpa Charlie tell Wes that he would like to be like him?

6. Where does Keziah find himself after he gets on a service elevator?

7. What does Mr. G tell Fort when Fort comments that some of the stories they have collected are sad?

8. Where does CJ Walker find himself after he flies for 2.7 seconds?

9. Why does Mr. G think Fort will learn about the Between quickly?

10. By Wednesday, how is Brandon struggling in "But Also, Jazz"?

(see the answer keys)

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