Bitter Fruit Test | Final Test - Medium

Achmat Dangor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bitter Fruit Test | Final Test - Medium

Achmat Dangor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the city where Silas grew up, and where Mikey often visits when he is stressed?
(a) Newclare.
(b) Bigordine.
(c) St. Lawrence.
(d) Tomahawk.

2. What nickname has Vinu given to Michael?
(a) Michael the Angel.
(b) Michael the Altruist.
(c) Michael the Attacker.
(d) Michael the Avenger.

3. How does Michael get to the city center when he goes in search of his past?
(a) He rides his bicycle.
(b) He takes the train.
(c) He walks.
(d) He takes a taxi.

4. What special description is given about Vinu's father at the moment of his death?
(a) The sounds he made.
(b) The way he smelled.
(c) The fear in his eyes.
(d) The way he fell.

5. Who are Haroon and Sadrodien?
(a) Michael's brothers.
(b) Michael's uncles.
(c) Michael's cousins.
(d) Michael's childhood friends.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where was Vinu's father when Michael shot him?

2. What speech does Kate prepare in her mind in case Silas confronts her?

3. Whom does Michael bribe to help him escape South Africa?

4. What does Lydia decide to give to Silas for his fiftieth birthday?

5. From what incurable disease is Du Boise dying from?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Joao?

2. While planning Silas's birthday party, what worries overcome Kate's thoughts at the dinner table?

3. What announcement does Julian make while out for lunch at "The Crucible" with his friends.

4. How does Silas feel when he knows that Lydia has left him for good this time?

5. How does Michael come into possession of the gun he will use to kill Vinu's father?

6. What happens between Lydia and Mikey when Silas leaves the house after a fight with his wife?

7. How did Ouma Angel die?

8. What happened when Michael witnessed a convoy of cars outside his father's birthday party?

9. How does Lydia's life change after she returns from the hospital?

10. What story of abuse does Vinu tell Michael when she meets him at his home?

(see the answer keys)

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