The Birthday Party Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Birthday Party Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Stanley and Petey discuss when Stanley first comes downstairs?
(a) The paper.
(b) Sports.
(c) Family.
(d) The weather.

2. What does Meg come into the scene carrying in Act 1, Part 2?
(a) An umbrella.
(b) Her shopping.
(c) A flower.
(d) A box.

3. What is the relationship between Meg and Petey in the play?
(a) Friends.
(b) Brother and sister.
(c) Husband and wife.
(d) Roommates.

4. What does McCann say Goldberg's real name is?
(a) Simon.
(b) Leonard.
(c) Nat.
(d) John.

5. What does McCann show gratitude to Goldberg for in Act 1, Part 2?
(a) His niceness.
(b) His support.
(c) His hospitality.
(d) His sincerity.

6. What does Stanley tell Meg he is considering accepting a contract for?
(a) Go on a world tour.
(b) To kill someone.
(c) For an adoption.
(d) For a new job.

7. Why does Meg become excited in regards to her new tenants in Act 1, Part 2?
(a) Because they are good looking.
(b) Because they complimented her.
(c) Because they liked their room.
(d) Because they brought her a gift.

8. What interrupts Meg and Stanley's argument in Act 1, Part 1?
(a) A fire.
(b) A scream.
(c) A knock on the door.
(d) A visitor.

9. What does Stanley say two men coming in a van will have to take a person away in?
(a) A shovel.
(b) An appetite.
(c) A gun.
(d) A wheelbarrow.

10. Who does Meg say she will invite to a party at her house?
(a) Stanley.
(b) Petey.
(c) Lulu.
(d) McCann.

11. What does McCann say is the only reason he is nervous in Act 1, Part 2?
(a) He feels sick.
(b) He wants to be finished.
(c) He's waiting to start.
(d) He likes the guy.

12. What kind of cereal does Petey eat a the beginning of the play?
(a) Bran flakes.
(b) Corn flakes.
(c) Oat bran.
(d) Cheerios.

13. What does Stanley say in regards to the people talking outside that makes him irritable?
(a) What they are talking about.
(b) Why they won't leave.
(c) Why they won't come inside.
(d) Why they are there.

14. What does Goldberg say he treated a girl with when he was younger?
(a) Love.
(b) Understanding.
(c) Care.
(d) Respect.

15. Why does Stanley suddenly grab McCann's arm in Act 2, Part 1?
(a) To tickle him.
(b) To joke with him.
(c) To get him to listen to him.
(d) To hurt him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Goldberg ask Meg in regards to her other guests?

2. Who are the first people to appear in Act 1, Part 2?

3. How many men does Petey tell Meg he encountered that may be boarding with them?

4. Where does McCann sit at the beginning of Act 2, Part 1?

5. What does McCann say Stanley is, which is odd for someone on their birthday?

(see the answer keys)

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