Birds Without Wings Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Birds Without Wings Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the title of Chapter 71?
(a) "The Death of Abdulhamid Hodja."
(b) "The Letter to Karatavuk."
(c) "The Sadness of Rustem Bey."
(d) "Of Reading and Writing."

2. Generally, how many days at a time did the soldiers have in the trench, according to the narrator in Chapter 66?
(a) 4.
(b) 2.
(c) 5.
(d) 3.

3. What does Mustafa take as Turkish land in Chapter 86?
(a) Crete.
(b) Thrace.
(c) Smyrna.
(d) Cyprus.

4. What is the title of Chapter 62?
(a) "Ibrahim Gives Philothei a Goldfinch."
(b) "The Sadness of Rustem Bey."
(c) "Of Reading and Writing."
(d) "The Letter to Karatavuk."

5. Who makes a speech arguing that Eskibahçe was once Greece and should be Greece again in Chapter 88?
(a) Leonidas.
(b) Constantinos Mermingas.
(c) Nasreddin Hodja.
(d) Rustem Bey.

6. Who is the cleaning lady that has read ominous portents in the coffee grounds and foresees King Alexander's death in Chapter 81?
(a) Tamara.
(b) Kyria Eleni.
(c) Drosoula.
(d) Mihrimah Efendim.

7. Where does the new Sultan place Mustafa in Chapter 72?
(a) Cyprus.
(b) Salonika.
(c) Ankara.
(d) Palestine.

8. What did Fikret teach Karatavuk to do, according to his narrative in Chapter 63?
(a) Delouse his clothing.
(b) Read and write.
(c) Hunt for elk.
(d) Blow a bird whistle.

9. What does the narrator in Chapter 67 say is the most miraculous thing he found about being at war?
(a) Trading food with the enemy.
(b) Seeing different trees.
(c) Seeing different cultures.
(d) Seeing aeroplanes in the sky.

10. What did the gendarmes take from Abdulhamid Hodja, according to the letter in Chapter 62?
(a) His horse.
(b) His car.
(c) His dog.
(d) His home.

11. What does Rustem Bey give to Granitola when he leaves in Chapter 83?
(a) A water pipe.
(b) A pocket watch.
(c) A bag of dirt.
(d) A stone.

12. Who explained to the townspeople what an airplane was, according to the letter in Chapter 62?
(a) Mohammad the Leech Gatherer.
(b) Rustem Bey.
(c) Mihrimah Efendim.
(d) Father Kristoforos.

13. Who married Drosoula in Chapter 70?
(a) Father Kristoforos.
(b) Gerasimos.
(c) Rustem Bey.
(d) Mihrimah Efendim.

14. Who is said to be King Alexander's second wife in Chapter 81?
(a) Tamara.
(b) Aspasia.
(c) Polyxena.
(d) Lydia.

15. Who is the palace vet for King Alexander?
(a) Herr Charitos.
(b) Herr Bey.
(c) Herr Hasseki.
(d) Herr Sturm.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the local children used to replace Lionidas's purchased birds with to annoy him?

2. Where was Fikret from?

3. What did Fikret ask for when he died?

4. Who gives Mustafa Kemal an Iron Cross in Chapter 64?

5. Who is King Alexander's grandfather by whom he is buried in Chapter 81?

(see the answer keys)

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