Birds Without Wings Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Birds Without Wings Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does the narrator describe Mustafa Kemal enrolling in a war college in Chapter 16?
(a) Istanbul.
(b) Rhodes.
(c) Fethiye.
(d) Cephalonia.

2. To what does Dosoula compare her spirit in the end of Chapter 5?
(a) A tulip.
(b) A rosebush.
(c) A chrysalis.
(d) A teardrop.

3. What is the name of Ibrahim's dog?
(a) Izmir.
(b) Safiye.
(c) Hasseki.
(d) Kopek.

4. How many gates is insanity said to have in Chapter 1?
(a) 70.
(b) 30.
(c) 20.
(d) 50.

5. Who is the narrator's son that was friends with Ibrahim when he was young, according to his narrative in Chapter 1?
(a) Rustem Bey.
(b) Nilufer.
(c) Karatavuk.
(d) Mihrimah.

6. In what kind of school did Mustafa Kemal convince his mother to enroll him in after his father's death?
(a) A military school.
(b) A charter school.
(c) A Muslim school.
(d) A Christian school.

7. Who is described as the Bulgarian Minister of War in Chapter 49?
(a) General Efendim.
(b) General Kovatchev.
(c) General Kristoforos.
(d) General Kemal.

8. Who did Georgio P. Theodorou go to Eskibahçe to see about making pottery in Chapter 45?
(a) Iskander.
(b) Hasseki.
(c) Constantinos.
(d) Mustafa Kemal.

9. What is the secret society run by Haji called in Chapter 20?
(a) Fethiye.
(b) Izmir.
(c) Antalya.
(d) Vatan.

10. What does Philothei describe Ibrahim licking off her hand in Chapter 35?
(a) Jam.
(b) Oil.
(c) Water.
(d) Chocolate.

11. When did the King of Montenegro declare war on the Ottoman Empire?
(a) October 8, 1912.
(b) May 23, 1915.
(c) March 15, 1902.
(d) September 15, 1917.

12. From where does the narrator say lewd thoughts and insomnia were blowing into the village from the southern wind when Philothei was born in Chapter 2?
(a) Arabia.
(b) France.
(c) Asia.
(d) Germany.

13. Who is the Christian schoolmaster that is described in Chapter 2?
(a) Father Kristoforos.
(b) Rustem Bey.
(c) Mihrimah Efendim.
(d) Leonidas Efendi.

14. To whom does Mustafa Kemal write in Chapter 49?
(a) Polyxeni.
(b) Corinne.
(c) Hasseki.
(d) Safiye.

15. What is Georgio P. Theodorou's profession?
(a) He is a rabbi.
(b) He is a schoolteacher.
(c) He is a baker.
(d) He is a merchant.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was the beggar that Philothei describes giving alms to in Chapter 8?

2. What term in Chapter 29 refers to an animal sacrifice?

3. What does the narrator describe Leonidas hurling at his head in Chapter 45?

4. Polyxeni's mother was accused of poisoning and killing the family of a man named what?

5. What color is Leyla's cat described as?

(see the answer keys)

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