Birds, Beasts, and Relatives Test | Final Test - Medium

Gerald Durrell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Birds, Beasts, and Relatives Test | Final Test - Medium

Gerald Durrell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What special gift did the owner of the press give to Gerald in return for some of the local gossip?
(a) A spade-footed toad.
(b) A job at the press.
(c) A barrel of residue from the press.
(d) A quart of olive oil.

2. How did Gerald's family react when he walked into the drawing room the afternoon he had met the gypsy?
(a) They asked where his newest creature came from.
(b) They screamed, lept to their feet, and tried to protect themselves.
(c) They yelled at Gerald to take his new pet outdoors.
(d) They applauded and told Gerald it was a great trick.

3. Why did Margo and Larry implore Donald and Max to be quiet?
(a) The neighbors might awaken and call the police.
(b) Mother was sick and sleeping.
(c) Mother might awaken and call the police.
(d) Gerald was asleep.

4. To what did Countess Mavrodaki invite Gerald to be her guest?
(a) For dinner the following Friday,
(b) For lunch the following Friday.
(c) For lunch the following Wednesday.
(d) For dinner the following week.

5. What was Max doing in the kitchen when Margo walked in?
(a) Going through the kitchen drawers.
(b) Climbing out of the kitchen window.
(c) Making a pot of coffee.
(d) Setting fire to a five pound note.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the Countess and Demetrios serve for the main course of the meal?

2. What did Larry say over and over again upon seeing Gerald and the bear?

3. What did Mother go into the kitchen to make for Captain Creech to have with tea?

4. When Roger first saw the gypsy in the olive grove, what did he think the gypsy had with him?

5. What did Gerald name his new owl?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who was Papa Demetrios? How did Gerald and Papa Demetrios know each other? What story did he tell Gerald about a fellow villager, Andreas Papoyakis?

2. Who did Gerald entrust to care for his baby hedgehogs while he was gone for the weekend with his mother? What condition were they in when he returned?

3. Who was Mawake? What was unusual about Mawake?

4. What was the Talking Head? How did it work?

5. What happened when Gerald arrived home after his visit with Pavlo and the gypsy?

6. What was the bear's name? How did he respond to Gerald? What was Gerald's reaction to the bear?

7. What kinds of food and drink did Gerald's luncheon with the Countess consist of? How did Gerald feel as he left the Countess' villa to go home?

8. Who was Tickletummy? Where did Tickletummy come from? What special quality did Tickletummy have that warranted his name?

9. What did Gerald do with his owl when he got home? What name did he give his owl? Where did he place the owl once he had tended to him?

10. What sound woke Larry in the middle of the night that caused him to wake the rest of the family? What did Gerald tell them all that explained things? What had caused the noise?

(see the answer keys)

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