Birds, Beasts, and Relatives Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Gerald Durrell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Birds, Beasts, and Relatives Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Gerald Durrell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Gerald first pay attention to donkeys on the island?
(a) At the seashore town near the villa.
(b) At Theo's home.
(c) At Katarina's wedding.
(d) At the market place.

2. How did the water-spider manage to live underwater?
(a) By constructing a home on the side of the container.
(b) By constructing a home atop the water.
(c) By constructing a breathing bell at the surface.
(d) By consructing a web suspended above the water.

3. What did Margo do daily to combat her acne?
(a) Sea bathe.
(b) Salt bathe.
(c) Steam bathe.
(d) Sun bathe.

4. What did Larry tell Gerald to do if he wanted to go faster while riding on his donkey?
(a) Hit her fiercely with the switch.
(b) Pull on her reins and say "Go!"
(c) Hit her gently with the switch.
(d) Kick her in the ribs with his heel.

5. How did the water-spider Gerald caught decide where to build her home?
(a) By sitting motionless in a corner.
(b) By walking slowly around the water's edge.
(c) By running back and forth below the surface of the water.
(d) By walking back and forth repeatedly.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Gerald find the seahorses?

2. Who was Taki Thanatos?

3. What time did Taki usually begin fishing?

4. Where did Theodore suggest he and Gerald go after their picnic lunch?

5. How did Gerald convince his mother to allow him to go fishing with Taki?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Taki Thanatos? How did Gerald meet him? What did the two share in common? Where did Taki want to take Gerald?

2. What dead creature did Gerald load onto his boat and bring home from the bay? What did he do with it upon coming home? How did the family react to his newest creature?

3. What did Gerald and Theo discover on their excursion to the lake? Why was this discovery exciting for Gerald?

4. Who did Mother hire to be Gerald's tutor? How did the two initially get along? What did his tutor do that changed Gerald's perspective on learning?

5. Who was Sally? Where did Sally come from? How did the name Sally come to be? Why was Gerald excited to have Sally as a member of the household?

6. Where did Taki take Gerald to catch fish? What unusual method did Taki use to catch fish? What strange fish did Taki catch that fascinated Gerald? What did Gerald learn about the fish Taki caught?

7. Where did Gerald go to thank Katarina for giving him Sally? What was happening when Gerald arrived at Katarina's? What did Gerald do?

8. What did Gerald do upon catching a seahorse while fishing with Kokino? Where did he find them? How many seahorses did he find in all, and what did he do with them?

9. What creature did Gerald discover on an afternoon trek to the lake alone? Why was this creature especially important to Gerald? What was unique about this creature?

10. What did Gerald bring with him for his nighttime fishing expedition? What did he do with his treasures before returning home? What did Taki give Gerald to appease Mother for the late hour of Gerald's return?

(see the answer keys)

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