Birds, Beasts, and Relatives Test | Final Test - Easy

Gerald Durrell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Birds, Beasts, and Relatives Test | Final Test - Easy

Gerald Durrell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When did Gerald and his family move to a new villa?
(a) In the fall.
(b) In the summer.
(c) In the spring.
(d) In the winter.

2. Who attended the seance with Mrs. Haddock?
(a) Mother, Fan, Prue, and Margo.
(b) Mother, Fan, Prue, and Gerald.
(c) Mother, Fan, Margo, and Gerald.
(d) Mother, Margo, Prue, and Gerald.

3. To what did Countess Mavrodaki invite Gerald to be her guest?
(a) For dinner the following week.
(b) For lunch the following Wednesday.
(c) For dinner the following Friday,
(d) For lunch the following Friday.

4. What kind of trees lined the path to Countess Mavrodaki's villa?
(a) Dogwoods.
(b) Eucalyptus.
(c) Oak.
(d) Red maples.

5. Who owned the olive press?
(a) Papa Demetrios.
(b) Papa Darios.
(c) Papa Domingo.
(d) Papa Dolmades.

6. Where did the owl spend the rest of the night after the commotion in the attic?
(a) In a cardboard box in Gerald's room.
(b) He slept in Mother's room in a cage.
(c) Gerald put him outside in a cage.
(d) He remained in the attic.

7. What did Gerald wear to his visit with the Countess?
(a) A new suit and newly shined shoes.
(b) His best clothes and a new pair of sandals.
(c) A pair of jeans and a shirt and tie.
(d) His new camouflage pants and a tee shirt.

8. What was Fan talking about when the group returned to their hotel rooms after the seance?
(a) The weather.
(b) The seance.
(c) The food.
(d) The puppies.

9. What happened during the seance that startled Prue and made her scream?
(a) She heard Mawake's voice.
(b) A cat jumped in her lap.
(c) A bug ran down the back of her dress.
(d) Margo squeezed her hand too tightly.

10. Why was Gerald excited to receive the Countess's invitation?
(a) He was curious about the Countess's collections.
(b) He was interested in the wildlife on the Countess's land.
(c) He was to get the owl, and dine with an important person on the island.
(d) He was hoping to get her to donate some land for wildlife.

11. How did Gerald plan to feed the baby hedgehogs?
(a) With a straw.
(b) With an eyedropper.
(c) With a baby bottle from a doll set.
(d) With a syringe.

12. What did Mother say to Gerald as they turned off the lights to fall asleep?
(a) "I sometimes think I am the only sane member of the family."
(b) "Good night dear and we will have fun tomrrow."
(c) "I wish your father were alive and here."
(d) "No one listens to each other in this family."

13. Who offered to take care of the baby hedgehogs while Gerald and his mother were gone for the weekend?
(a) Lucritia.
(b) Margo.
(c) Leslie.
(d) Spiro.

14. What reason did Donald give for coming to see Larry?
(a) To read him the first chapter of his book.
(b) To get a decent night's sleep.
(c) To introduce him to Max.
(d) To announce he was getting married.

15. Where was Margo when Mother and Gerald arrived to see her?
(a) At a revivalist meeting.
(b) At the grocery store.
(c) At a Weight Watchers meeting.
(d) At a spiritualist meeting.

Short Answer Questions

1. What advice did Prudence give Mother about Margo's behavior?

2. What did Mother call Mrs. Haddock before leaving the seance?

3. Where did the baby hedgehogs live?

4. What was Pavlo's special talent?

5. How did Donald and Max get home after their visit to the Durrell's home?

(see the answer keys)

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