Bird by Bird Test | Final Test - Easy

Anne Lamott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bird by Bird Test | Final Test - Easy

Anne Lamott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. If we do not have our broccoli to help us write, what guides us?
(a) The plot treatment.
(b) The set design.
(c) The one-inch picture frame.
(d) Our rational mind.

2. A moral position is not a message, but what is it according to Anne?
(a) Wishful thinking.
(b) Something you need to make sure everyone believes, or you shouldn't associate with them.
(c) Something to spend a couple of paragraphs on in your book.
(d) A passionate caring inside you.

3. What does Anne determine needs to be at the center of your stories?
(a) Something you care passionately about.
(b) A good climax.
(c) A beautiful set design.
(d) Grape jelly, raspberry has too many seeds.

4. What did Anne use to entertain her son, Sam, while he was in the emergency room?
(a) Finger puppets.
(b) A stethoscope.
(c) Readings from her favorite book.
(d) Index cards and tongue depressors.

5. What is one reason Anne wrote the book for her father?
(a) There was only one book about cancer that was funny.
(b) She needed an advance from her agent.
(c) The Dalai Lama himself told her to write it.
(d) She was jealous of another writer's book about cancer.

6. When writing her letter to Sam, who did Anne picture peering over her shoulder?
(a) Her editor.
(b) Pammy.
(c) Sam.
(d) Dr. Suess.

7. How does Anne suggest you should expect someone to review your work?
(a) In both a gentle and harsh way.
(b) In a harsh and savage way.
(c) In a gentle and encouraging way.
(d) With a big red crayon.

8. What is libel?
(a) Defamation by written or printed word.
(b) It is the liberty within us all.
(c) Making untrue accusations.
(d) What you can sue the papers for and get lots of money.

9. Anne does not agree with the word "block," which suggests something is constipated or stuck. How does she describe 'writer's block'?
(a) As being nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
(b) As being as jealous as the green-eyed monster.
(c) As being empty.
(d) As having the rug pulled out from under you.

10. Anne has written two books and a short story as presents. Who were they for?
(a) Her father, Pammy, and Brice.
(b) Her father, Pammy, and Brice's parents.
(c) Pammy, her father, and her son.
(d) The Dalai Lama, her father, and Pammy.

11. How do Anne's students often respond when asked why they want to write?
(a) They do not want to be silenced anymore.
(b) They want to get published.
(c) They want money, fame, and fortune.
(d) They are looking for a writing companion.

12. Whose work does Anne love to read when it comes out, but regrets that her students start writing like that author?
(a) Dr. Suess.
(b) Isabel Allende.
(c) Arthur C. Clarke.
(d) Gore Vidal.

13. Where did Anne get the idea to use broccoli as her intuition?
(a) Dr. Suess.
(b) Mel Brooks.
(c) Samuel Goldwyn.
(d) The fourteenth Dalai Lama.

14. What does Anne use index cards for?
(a) Making lists and picking her teeth.
(b) Paper airplanes and picking her teeth.
(c) Making lists and taking notes.
(d) Taking notes and paper airplanes.

15. What does Ms. Allende's writing style offer to the reader?
(a) Sharp turns and suspenseful drama.
(b) A headache.
(c) Nourishment of the imagination and wonder.
(d) A sense of being understood.

Short Answer Questions

1. What brings Anne's students the feeling of liberation?

2. What does the fourteenth Dalai Lama claim to be his religion?

3. What is the name of the wire that covers all champagne corks?

4. What are good ways to start writing groups?

5. What does Anne consider a gift if you have it?

(see the answer keys)

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