The Bingo Palace Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bingo Palace Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Lyman call Shawnee in Chapter 26?
(a) To talk to Redford.
(b) To tell her about Lipsha.
(c) To tell her about Lulu.
(d) To ask her to marry him.

2. What does Mary Fred do when the police officer steps near her in the shed?
(a) She kneels before him.
(b) She attacks him.
(c) She throws a rake at him.
(d) She cries.

3. What happens to Lipsha and Lyman's joint bank account in Chapter 22?
(a) They lose it all gambling at the bingo hall.
(b) They get a higher interest rate.
(c) Lyman closes it out and takes the money.
(d) Lipsha closes it out and takes the money.

4. Where do Lipsha and Lyman go to eat in Chapter 14?
(a) McDonald's.
(b) Burger King.
(c) Dairy Queen.
(d) Lyman's house.

5. What does Lulu hold as she gets into the police car?
(a) A bright red rosary.
(b) The policeman's hand.
(c) A tiny leaf.
(d) A white eagle feather.

6. Where does Lipsha put his bingo winnings?
(a) Into Shawnee's mailbox.
(b) Into a joint account with Lyman.
(c) Into buying toys for Redford.
(d) Under his mattress.

7. What report does Shawnee hear on the radio?
(a) That Lulu is missing.
(b) That Zelda has started a strike.
(c) That Lipsha has been arrested.
(d) That Gerry has not been found.

8. Why can't the police officer and social worker step onto the aunts' property?
(a) Because of the dogs.
(b) Because of the tall fence.
(c) Because they don't know if they are at the right house.
(d) Because it's illegal.

9. What does Albertine feel was missing from her relationship with Zelda?
(a) Affection.
(b) Money.
(c) Conversation.
(d) Structure.

10. When does Lipsha have a vision of his childhood in Chapter 20?
(a) During a fast.
(b) During a nap.
(c) During meditation.
(d) During a walk.

11. What does Lulu do as she is taken to the police cars?
(a) Cries.
(b) Yell that she needs help.
(c) Fight with the police.
(d) A traditional dance.

12. What does Shawnee remember her father rubbing on her arms and neck?
(a) A bird.
(b) A butterfly.
(c) A feather.
(d) A towel.

13. Why won't Lipsha's van start after he leaves the arcade?
(a) Someone tampered with it.
(b) His battery is dead.
(c) He can't find his keys.
(d) He is out of gas.

14. To whose house does Zelda go at the end of Chapter 22?
(a) Mary Fred's.
(b) Lipsha's.
(c) Xavier's.
(d) Lulu's.

15. On what does the skunk judge Lipsha?
(a) His loss of medicine.
(b) His addiction to gambling.
(c) His slowness to learn.
(d) His lust for Shawnee.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Gerry drive the car off the side of the road?

2. What happens after Lyman fasts for three days?

3. Why does Zelda feel she should take care of Redford when Shawnee goes to school?

4. Who arrives at Redford's aunts' house with a police officer and social worker?

5. What season is it at the end of Chapter 21?

(see the answer keys)

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