The Bingo Palace Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bingo Palace Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lipsha tell Shawnee about his tattoo?
(a) That he got it for her.
(b) That it represents his mother.
(c) That it is meaningless.
(d) That it didn't hurt that much.

2. Where was Lipsha left by his mother?
(a) Behind the hospital.
(b) To drown in a marsh.
(c) On the steps of a church.
(d) At his grandmother's house.

3. Where did Four Soul get her name?
(a) She needed more soul in her life.
(b) She had one soul for each direction.
(c) She possessed more souls than she should have.
(d) She had multiple personalities.

4. In Lyman's slot machine dream, whose face gives him the jackpot?
(a) Lipsha's.
(b) Shawnee's.
(c) Zelda's.
(d) Lulu's.

5. Where does Lipsha decide to take Shawnee for dinner in Chapter 4?
(a) His apartment.
(b) A Mexican restaurant.
(c) A Chinese restaurant.
(d) An Italian restaurant.

6. What do June's mother and her boyfriend do when they tell June there won't be any more running away?
(a) They threaten to beat her brother.
(b) They lock her in her room.
(c) They slap her over and over.
(d) They tie her to the stove.

7. What makes Shawnee decide to move?
(a) Lipsha's annoying her.
(b) Redford's illness.
(c) Zelda's rule over her life.
(d) She wants her own room.

8. To whom does Lulu mail the "wanted" poster?
(a) Gerry Nanapush.
(b) Lipsha Morrissey.
(c) The narrator.
(d) Marie Kashpaw.

9. What does Albertine wear at the gathering?
(a) Her yellow dress.
(b) Her trademark satin.
(c) Her headdress.
(d) Her jeans.

10. Where does Lipsha drive in Chapter 1?
(a) Back to the reservation.
(b) California.
(c) Florida.
(d) Fargo.

11. Where does Lyman go in his dream after leaving the slot machine?
(a) The lake.
(b) The bingo hall.
(c) The forest.
(d) Shawnee's house.

12. What does the narrator say Albertine did not escape?
(a) Her mother's repressed history.
(b) Her own negative thoughts.
(c) The ties of her reservation.
(d) The racial prejudice of the world.

13. Why did Albertine leave school to visit the reservation?
(a) Out of respect.
(b) Out of love.
(c) Out of duty.
(d) Out of fear.

14. What does Albertine say her mother was known for?
(a) Rudeness and isolation.
(b) Humor and smiles.
(c) Gifts and charity.
(d) Cruelty and judgment.

15. To what does Lipsha compare the light of Zelda's smile?
(a) That of a goddess.
(b) That of the sea.
(c) That of the sun.
(d) That of a saint.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the bingo hall's grand prize?

2. Where is the gathering Lipsha attends at the end of Chapter 1?

3. Why are the people of the reservation concerned about the young white boy using an umbrella?

4. When Lyman wakes he can't tell if it was a dream or if he was where?

5. What does Albertine shout at the TV as she watches the documentary?

(see the answer keys)

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