Biloxi Blues Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Biloxi Blues Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Selridge suggest the soldiers should bet on?

2. What does the prostitute tell Eugene he should do to look older?

3. What does Epstein call Toomey?

4. What does Eugene tell the prostitute about his past sex life?

5. What does Epstein have in order to prove he has a bad stomach?

Short Essay Questions

1. Which soldiers does Toomey not let leave the table, and why?

2. Describe Rowena's personality.

3. Who does Eugene talk to at the end of the scene, and why?

4. Describe Eugene's relationship with the other boys.

5. How do the other soldiers react when Toomey obeys his punishment?

6. What does Daisy have to abstain from because of the religious holiday?

7. What does Daisy tell Eugene she will always know, if he winds up with another girl?

8. How does Toomey treat Epstein, and why?

9. What does it show about Carney's character that he talks to Eugene about what Eugene wrote?

10. What kind of a person is Arnold?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss the culture of the army in the play.

1) What does the army expect from its soldiers? What type of discipline, regulations, and values does the army promote?

2) Why is army food bad, and why are the soldiers required to eat all of their food?

3) The army brings together many different men from different cultures. How does the diversity of soldiers contribute to the culture of the army? Does it cause conflict? Does it have any benefits?

Essay Topic 2

Boot camp takes young men who are adapted to civilian life and attempts to adapt them for life in a war. Discuss this aspect of the characters' time in boot camp.

1) What makes a person a good soldier in the play? How good or bad are the same personality traits in civilian society? Which of the soldiers are well adapted to being in a war?

2) Which of the characters are best adapted for civilian life, and why? How well-suited are their characteristics in war?

3) Do the characters learn strategies for adapting their civilian behaviors to becoming soldiers? In what ways?

Essay Topic 3

Toomey's method of teaching the soldiers is one of cruelty and punishment. Discuss this methodology and its portrayal in the play.

1) Why does Toomey use cruel methods to train the soldiers? What does his method have to do with his experiences in the war? What is Toomey trying to accomplish?

2) How do Toomey's methods forge and change the relationships between the soldiers?

3) What kind of relationship does Toomey develop with the soldiers? Why do they miss him after he's gone?

(see the answer keys)

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