Biloxi Blues Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Biloxi Blues Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who comes to sit with Eugene?
(a) Wykowski.
(b) Hennessey.
(c) Selridge.
(d) Carney.

2. Where was the escaped soldier seen?
(a) Entering the mess tent.
(b) Entering Toomey's troops' barracks.
(c) Entering the officers' club.
(d) Entering the motor pool.

3. What does Eugene tell Carney?
(a) He tells him about Rowena.
(b) He tells him to leave.
(c) He apologizes.
(d) He pretends to be a chronic liar.

4. Who does Toomey say Epstein must report to his army superiors?
(a) Selridge.
(b) Wykowski.
(c) Toomey.
(d) Eugene.

5. Where is Daisy from?
(a) Mathiston, Mississippi.
(b) Gulfport, Mississippi.
(c) Decatur, Mississippi.
(d) Crowder, Mississippi.

6. What was Carney hospitalized for?
(a) Depression and neurological problems.
(b) Appendicitis.
(c) Catatonic schitzophrenia.
(d) A wound from a grenade.

7. What does Epstein tell Eugene to leave out of his writing?
(a) Long, convoluted sentences.
(b) The truth.
(c) Petty details.
(d) Unnecessary, fancy words.

8. What is Selridge's new job at the end of the play?
(a) A sergeant training recruits.
(b) An army cook.
(c) A sergeant in charge of the motor pool.
(d) A general's driver.

9. Where is the U.S.O. dance located?
(a) In the town hall.
(b) In the mess hall.
(c) In a church basement.
(d) In the barracks.

10. What does Toomey do to get Epstein to take a drink?
(a) Toomey threatens to courtmartial Epstein.
(b) Toomey threatens to punish the other men.
(c) Toomey points a gun at Epstein.
(d) Toomey takes Epstein by the throat.

11. What causes Eugene to think that Private Lindstrom must have talked?
(a) There is a PA announcement.
(b) The phone rings.
(c) An alarm rings.
(d) The officers start gathering across the camp.

12. Where is Carney at the end of Act 2, Scene 4?
(a) Inside the barracks.
(b) Outside the barracks.
(c) Outside the mess tent.
(d) Inside the mess tent.

13. What does Eugene tell the other soldiers about Rowena?
(a) That she is nothing special.
(b) That she is a woman he could love.
(c) That she is a real person.
(d) That she isn't worth going back to again.

14. How does Eugene's notebook say that Selridge eats?
(a) Like a horse eating oats.
(b) Like an ape eating bananas.
(c) Like an elephant eating peanuts.
(d) Like a shark eating fish.

15. Who holds Eugene when he tries to get the notebook back?
(a) Carney.
(b) Epstein.
(c) Wykowski.
(d) Selridge.

Short Answer Questions

1. What mood is Eugene in at the beginning of the scene?

2. What is the status of Toomey's army career?

3. What punishment does Epstein give Toomey?

4. Who does Toomey call out from the barracks?

5. Who said something similar to what Eugene wrote about Carney?

(see the answer keys)

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