Billy Budd Test | Final Test - Easy

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Billy Budd Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What excuse does Billy give for hitting Claggart?
(a) Claggart threatens to kill him.
(b) He is told to do so by the afterguardsman.
(c) He is bi-polar.
(d) He is unable to speak.

2. Which two characters begin to suspect Billy of wrongdoing?
(a) Captain Vere and the master-at-arms.
(b) The chief mate and the bosun.
(c) The armorer and the captain of the hold.
(d) The master-at-arms and the chief mate.

3. Which character becomes very friendly towards Billy in chapter 17?
(a) The Dansker.
(b) Lieutenant Ratcliffe.
(c) The afterguardsman.
(d) John Claggart.

4. Where does Captain Vere send Billy after Claggart's death?
(a) To a stateroom.
(b) To the kitchen.
(c) To the brig.
(d) To the crow's nest.

5. What does the chaplain feel is better than religion for facing judgment?
(a) Truth.
(b) Innocence.
(c) Hope.
(d) Peace.

6. Who witnesses Billy's funeral?
(a) The chaplain and Captain Vere.
(b) The chaplain and members of the drumhead court.
(c) A few of Billy's closest friends.
(d) The entire crew.

7. What penalty does the court consider for Billy in chapter 22?
(a) Keelhauling.
(b) Flogging.
(c) Confinement.
(d) Death.

8. Which character stares at Billy with a meditative and melancholy expression in chapter 17?
(a) The Dansker.
(b) Lieutenant Ratcliffe.
(c) John Claggart.
(d) The afterguardsman.

9. Where is Billy buried?
(a) At sea.
(b) On the shores of Timor.
(c) In England.
(d) On the Isle of Mann.

10. What does one of Billy's fellow sailors create as a tribute to his fallen shipmate?
(a) A sculpture.
(b) A poem.
(c) A plaque.
(d) A medallion.

11. In chapter 23, when is the crew called together?
(a) An hour before dogwatch.
(b) At sunset.
(c) An hour past dogwatch.
(d) At dogwatch.

12. What event occurs after Billy's funeral?
(a) A mutiny.
(b) An attack by a Spanish frigate.
(c) A shipwreck.
(d) The customary morning religious service.

13. What happens to Captain Vere after he is wounded?
(a) He survives, but never commands another vessel.
(b) He remains on the island.
(c) He dies.
(d) He is court-martialed.

14. What is a drumhead court?
(a) Slang for a mob.
(b) Slang for a meeting in the captain's quarters.
(c) An informal legal hearing held at sea.
(d) A formal legal hearing in the presence of an admiral.

15. How does Billy respond to Claggart's accusation?
(a) He screams obscenities.
(b) He faints.
(c) He hits him.
(d) He stutters.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the Captain feel that Billy must be punished?

2. In which article are the events on the Bellipotent published?

3. What concerns the officers in chapter 20?

4. In the article about the Bellipotent, how is Billy Budd presented?

5. Who is allowed to communicate with Billy in chapter 23?

(see the answer keys)

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