Big Sur Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Big Sur Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The narrator talks of a tree in Chapter 6 that looks like whose face?
(a) God's.
(b) Rimbaud's.
(c) Zeus'.
(d) His own.

2. Who does the narrator say has prevailed over the American male's ideals now in Chapter 10?
(a) The P.T.A.
(b) The A.S.P.C.A.
(c) Family.
(d) The television.

3. How much money does the narrator say he'll give Cody for rent in Chapter 17?
(a) $100.
(b) $50.
(c) $200.
(d) $400.

4. What does the narrator refer to his socks as in the book?
(a) Tooties.
(b) Footies.
(c) Socksies.
(d) Sockiboos.

5. Where does the narrator say that only weeks earlier, he'd fallen flat on his head in Chapter 6?
(a) Brooklyn.
(b) The Bowery.
(c) The Lower East Side.
(d) Queens.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old does the narrator say he is in the beginning of the book?

2. Where are the narrator and his friends driving in Chapter 13?

3. What was Montesanto's nickname in college?

4. To whom did the narrator say, "Allow me to stay here, I only want peace"?

5. What does the narrator refer to his nightmare he'd had in New York in Chapter 5?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Jack's reaction to Cody's disappointment to see him drinking in Chapter 13?

2. What spurs Jack to believe he is not wanted at the cabin in Chapter 9?

3. Where is Jack in the beginning of the novel? What were his initial plans and why did they change?

4. What exposition does the narrator relay of Cody's imprisonment in Chapter 13?

5. What does Jack describe as he leaves for Big Sur in Chapter 2?

6. What does Jack decide to do in Chapter 9? How does he go about leaving?

7. What does Jack recall of George Baso in Chapter 15?

8. What is the purpose of Jack's and Arthur Ma's conversation in Chapter 19?

9. What in Chapter 3 is an example of foreshadowing?

10. What quotes of Emerson does Kerouac use in Chapter 7? What do these propel the narrator to do?

(see the answer keys)

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