Big Sur Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Big Sur Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does one of the men say in the narrator's dream is in their sugar?
(a) Salt.
(b) Roaches.
(c) Ants.
(d) Blisters.

2. What comes flapping around the narrator in Chapter 37?
(a) A butterfly.
(b) A moth.
(c) A bird.
(d) A bat.

3. Who does Pat McLear say he'd rather go to Hollywood to play in Chapter 23?
(a) Rimbaud.
(b) Shelley.
(c) Poe.
(d) Kerouac.

4. What does the narrator drink before bed in Chapter 22?
(a) Whiskey.
(b) Ovaltine.
(c) Hot milk.
(d) Coffee.

5. Who does Ben say that even he knew everything is possible in Chapter 30?
(a) Kafka.
(b) Plato.
(c) Nietzsche.
(d) Jesus.

6. What is the name of Cody's mistress?
(a) Willamine.
(b) Sarah.
(c) Mary.
(d) Evelyn.

7. Of what descent does the narrator say that Billie's friend is?
(a) Italian.
(b) Roman.
(c) Greek.
(d) Basque.

8. Who does the narrator say he looks like, peering from behind the window curtain in Chapter 31?
(a) A frightened child.
(b) Dracula.
(c) The Phantom of the Opera.
(d) A burglar.

9. Where does the narrator sleep when staying at Cody's house on visits?
(a) The backyard.
(b) The floor.
(c) Cody's bed.
(d) The couch.

10. What is Cody's wife's name?
(a) Evelyn.
(b) Sarah.
(c) Billie.
(d) Mary.

11. Who makes jokes to cheer everyone up in Chapter 36?
(a) Jack.
(b) Cody Pomeray.
(c) Ben Fagan.
(d) Dave Wain.

12. How old is Pat McLear's daughter who accompanies him in Chapter 23?
(a) Five.
(b) Three.
(c) Four.
(d) Six.

13. Where do the group drive south to visit in Chapter 21?
(a) A castle.
(b) A bath house.
(c) A yacht.
(d) A fishing hole.

14. What does the narrator see in a vision in Chapter 37?
(a) A monster.
(b) The cross.
(c) A church.
(d) A castle.

15. Who does the narrator compare the image of Cody in the doorway to in Chapter 23?
(a) Jesus.
(b) St. Christopher.
(c) God.
(d) St. Michael.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who makes breakfast for the group in Chapter 21?

2. Who does Ron go to Monterey to visit in Chapter 22?

3. Who does the narrator call in Paris in Chapter 30?

4. Who does the narrator exclaim that Billie looks like in Chapter 26?

5. What does Billie say she's going to do in Chapter 34?

(see the answer keys)

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