The Big Bad Wolf Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Big Bad Wolf Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Burns think the Russians will not tell them who the wolf is?
(a) Because they are scared of him too.
(b) Because they don't really know.
(c) Because they are protecting him.
(d) Because he is someone important in the government.

2. Where does Cross meet Monnie to hear what information she has to share with him?
(a) The same restaurant they had eaten at before.
(b) His home.
(c) Quantico.
(d) Potomac park.

3. What is the only thing the FBI agents find as they search the neighborhood?
(a) Sorokin's lawyer.
(b) Clothes Sorokin was wearing.
(c) Stray dog.
(d) Child home alone.

4. Which of the following best describes Potter's demeanor when Cross asks him about Benjamin Coffey?
(a) Smug.
(b) Heart broken.
(c) Anguished.
(d) Defiant.

5. What makes the FBI surveillance team think the agent playing Xavier is about to be abducted?
(a) They see three men stalking Xavier.
(b) They see weapons hidden under clothes.
(c) They notice people following Xavier to his car.
(d) They see two men talking into their sleeves who are not FBI.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Cross gain access to Wolf's Den?

2. Where is the wolf during this meeting?

3. What did the Russian government tell the FBI about Prokopev?

4. Where is the fire that distracts Cross and Mahoney?

5. How does Potter respond to Alex's questions about Benjamin?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Cross remember at the last second which leads the Wolf to believe he is talking to Potter for real?

2. What does Burns order Cross to do and what other request does he make of Burns in regard to the Bureau?

3. In what way is Cross impressed with Potter?

4. What happens just as Cross and Mahoney prepare to make their move?

5. What does Francis find when he is delivered to Mr. Potter?

6. What happens when Cross and his men approach the would be kidnappers?

7. What does Cross share with his team that Potter had previously told Cross?

8. What does Lizzie do with her time in the closet?

9. What lead does Monnie give to Cross to follow-up on?

10. What does Monnie tell Cross after he takes her and her children to dinner and what does Cross tell her?

(see the answer keys)

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