Beware of Pity Test | Final Test - Medium

Stefan Zweig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beware of Pity Test | Final Test - Medium

Stefan Zweig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hofmiller learn about the extent of Edith's despair at the idea that she might never be well?
(a) She has lost her faith in God.
(b) She once tried to kill Dr. Condor in a fit of rage.
(c) She blames her father for her condition.
(d) She has attempted suicide in the past.

2. Realizing the predicament his lies have caused, what does Hofmiller decide to do?
(a) Marry Edith despite the fact that he doesn't love her.
(b) Confess everything to Edith and beg for her forgiveness.
(c) Kill himself.
(d) Leave the country.

3. What does Dr. Condor think will happen if Hofmiller simply flees to escape his situation with Edith?
(a) Edith will transfer her affections to him.
(b) Edith will kill herself.
(c) Hofmiller will be arrested for abandoning his regiment.
(d) Kekesfalva will track Hofmiller down and kill him.

4. How does Edith commit suicide?
(a) She jumps from the roof of the castle.
(b) She shoots herself with Hofmiller's gun.
(c) She throws herself over the balcony.
(d) She takes a bottle of sleeping pills.

5. What does Condor ask Hofmiller to do about his situation with Edith?
(a) Continue to act normally with Edith for a week, and tell him immediately if anything happened to upset Edith.
(b) Follow through with his plan to leave the military and move far from the Kekesfalva family.
(c) Ask Edith to marry him even if he doesn't love her.
(d) Tell Edith the truth about his feelings immediately and face the consequences.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Hofmiller and the Kekesfalvas handle the situation when their return home is delayed?

2. What does Hofmiller think Edith should be focusing on?

3. Following the revelation of her love for him, what does Edith initially ask Hofmiller to do?

4. Why is Edith so excited when Hofmiller arrives at the house the morning after his dinner with Dr. Condor?

5. Seeing Edith's happiness, to whom does Hofmiller compare himself?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Dr. Condor's feelings about his marriage to Klara.

2. How does Edith use the threat of suicide in an attempt to influence Hofmiller?

3. Why does Hofmiller think Balinkay is a good person to seek out for advice on his situation?

4. What event occurs to put a damper on Hofmiller's happiness when he returns to his barracks after the trip to the horse farm?

5. How might Hofmiller have resolved his situation during his visit to the castle, after seeing the family's excitement about the potential new treatment?

6. How does Dr. Condor come to the conclusion that Hofmiller is planning to flee rather than facing up to his situation with Edith and her family?

7. Why does Hofmiller think it's his fault that Edith has fallen in love with him?

8. Why does Hofmiller initially refuse Kekesfalva's request that he marry Edith in return for Kekesfalva giving him his entire fortune?

9. How do Dr. Condor and Hofmiller decide to handle the situation regarding Hofmiller's lies about the new treatment?

10. Why does Hofmiller see suicide as the only solution to his problems?

(see the answer keys)

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