Beware of Pity Test | Final Test - Easy

Stefan Zweig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beware of Pity Test | Final Test - Easy

Stefan Zweig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When he arrives at the castle the morning after telling Kekesfalva about the new treatment, what does Hofmiller learn Kekesfalva did during the night that upsets him?
(a) He fired his entire staff.
(b) He made arrangements for Hofmiller to be transferred to another unit.
(c) He woke Edith to tell her about the miracle cure Hofmiller had discussed with Dr. Condor.
(d) He decided Hofmiller was no longer welcome at his home.

2. Who do Dr. Condor and Hofmiller decide will tell the family the truth?
(a) Hofmiller.
(b) The doctor who is working on the new treatment.
(c) Ilona.
(d) Dr. Condor.

3. What does Edith give the gypsy?
(a) A broach her mother had left to her.
(b) A large wad of money.
(c) An elaborately wrapped gift.
(d) A secret note.

4. Why does Edith decide not to go to the sanitarium or continue seeking a cure?
(a) Hofmiller talks her out of it.
(b) She sees no point because Hofmiller doesn't love her.
(c) Dr. Condor tells her the new treatment will not work for her.
(d) She doesn't want to be separated from Hofmiller for that long.

5. What does Hofmiller want to do about his lie regarding the new treatment?
(a) Wait a bit longer to tell the family the truth.
(b) Tell the family the truth as soon as possible.
(c) Have Dr. Condor take the blame for the lie.
(d) Tell Edith the truth but ask her not to tell her father.

6. Why is Edith so excited when Hofmiller arrives at the house the morning after his dinner with Dr. Condor?
(a) Her father just presented her with a new car.
(b) She believes Hofmiller's story that there is a miraculous new treatment that will cure her.
(c) She believes Hofmiller is about to propose to her.
(d) She just received word of a large inheritance.

7. When Hofmiller tells Dr. Condor about Edith's kiss and her letter, why is Condor angry with himself?
(a) He had hoped to win Edith for himself and fears it's too late.
(b) He wishes he had not let Hofmiller in when he came to the door.
(c) He is afraid Kekesfalva will blame him.
(d) He thinks he should have realized Edith was in love with Hofmiller.

8. What book does Hofmiller read?
(a) The Bible.
(b) A Tale of Two Cities.
(c) Grimm's Fairy Tales.
(d) The Arabian Nights.

9. Why does Hofmiller think it might benefit Edith to continue believing the lie about the new cure?
(a) He thinks it will stop her bursts of anger and rudeness.
(b) He thinks she is more likely to fall in love with him if she believes she'll be cured.
(c) He thinks people will be nicer to her if they believe she'll get better soon.
(d) He thinks her optimism might give her the strength to improve her condition.

10. Why does Ilona tell Hofmiller he needs to be nice to Edith?
(a) She always hates herself after she throws a tantrum.
(b) They have to appease her to keep her from having more outbursts.
(c) She doesn't have long to live.
(d) He will miss her while she's away at the sanitarium.

11. Why does Ilona say she has encouraged Edith's feelings for Hofmiller?
(a) She thought he was secretly in love with her also.
(b) She did not want to crush Edith's hopes.
(c) She thought it would be amusing to see what happened.
(d) She thought he'd grow to love her eventually.

12. When Hofmiller visits the Kekesfalva family after their trip, what does he bring with him?
(a) Flowers.
(b) A book.
(c) Tickets for their trip.
(d) A letter from Dr. Condor.

13. What does Hofmiller ask Dr. Condor to tell Edith?
(a) That he is in love with someone else.
(b) That he will marry her even if she does not recover.
(c) That he does not want to marry her under any circumstances.
(d) That he has decided to leave the country.

14. Who talks Hofmiller out of his plan?
(a) Ilona.
(b) Kekesfalva.
(c) Dr. Condor.
(d) Colonel Bubencic.

15. When returning from his evening with Ferencz and finding another letter from Edith, what is Hofmiller afraid of?
(a) That she has found someone else.
(b) That she has told her father that Hofmiller doesn't return her love.
(c) That she is trying to trap him.
(d) That she has run away.

Short Answer Questions

1. The book he is reading prompts Hofmiller to wonder if he is strong enough to do what?

2. What does Hofmiller fear others will think of him if he marries Edith?

3. Why does Condor not trust Hofmiller to make his situation with Edith right again?

4. Why does Hofmiller initially believe he'll never have to marry Edith?

5. Why is the family delayed when they are returning home from their day trip?

(see the answer keys)

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