Beware of Pity Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Stefan Zweig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beware of Pity Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Stefan Zweig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Page 223 through 273..

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is awaiting Hofmiller when he returns to his barracks after his trip with the Kekesfalvas?
(a) An invitation to a wedding.
(b) A telegram from Dr. Condor.
(c) A visit from his father.
(d) A package from Kekesfalva.

2. How did Dietzenhof respond when Kekesfalva told her that she could probably get about 150,000 crowns for the estate?
(a) She said she didn't want to sell it at any price.
(b) She was astonished that it could be worth so much.
(c) She insisted that it should be worth much more than that.
(d) She said she wanted to get a second opinion before making a decision.

3. What form of transportation do Hofmiller and the Kekesfalvas take on their day trip?
(a) A limo.
(b) A private jet.
(c) A horse drawn carriage.
(d) A train.

4. What two reasons does Hofmiller give for his inability to join the family on the trip to the sanitarium?
(a) He must attend to his duties and his parents are planning a visit.
(b) He must attend to his duties and he can't afford it.
(c) He doesn't have a passport and he can't afford it.
(d) He can't afford it and he has made other social commitments for that time.

5. How does Dr. Condor know Hofmiller told Kekesfalva about the new treatment?
(a) Edith has phoned Dr. Condor to ask about the treatment.
(b) Kekesfalva has mentioned it in both a telegram and a letter, and Condor had not told anyone else.
(c) Ilona told him that Hofmiller discussed the treatment with Kekesfalva.
(d) Hofmiller left him a note telling him of his conversation with Kekesfalva.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Dietzenhof completed the sale of the property without realizing Kekesfalva was the actual buyer, what caused him to begin to feel guilty about taking advantage of her?

2. What pretense did Kekesfalva use for coming to the house to talk with Dietzenhof?

3. Why does Kekesfalva like Dr. Condor so much?

4. Why was Balinkay at the Excelsior Hotel in Cairo when he met his wife?

5. When Hofmiller visits the Kekesfalva family after their trip, what does he bring with him?

(see the answer key)

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