Between Two Kingdoms Test | Final Test - Medium

Suleika Jaouad
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Between Two Kingdoms Test | Final Test - Medium

Suleika Jaouad
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Jaouad often do when she felt she and Will were on the verge of a big fight?
(a) Cried.
(b) Took Xanax.
(c) Walked out.
(d) Called her mother.

2. Where did Jaouad go for her chemo in Chapter 17?
(a) Sloan Kettering.
(b) Brigham and Women's Hospital.
(c) Boston University Medical Center.
(d) Mount Sinai.

3. What did Jaouad often find herself doing while driving?
(a) Daydreaming.
(b) Crying.
(c) Laughing.
(d) Talking on the phone.

4. What helped break the ice with Jaouad's friend's class of girls?
(a) Jaouad's neat handwriting.
(b) Oscar, Jaouad's dog.
(c) Jaouad's musical talent.
(d) Jaouad's facility with other languages.

5. Why did Melissa and Jaouad get stopped by police in Chapter 23?
(a) For stealing gum.
(b) For speeding.
(c) For being too loud in their apartment late at night.
(d) For jumping a turnstile.

Short Answer Questions

1. What song did Melissa's father sing at her memorial?

2. What kind of health problem was Jaouad hospitalized four times for in Chapter 24?

3. Where was Jaouad's new friend born in Chapter 19?

4. What honor did Jaouad win in Chapter 21?

5. Why did Jaouad especially want to learn how to drive?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did Jaouad say the hardest part of her cancer treatment came after her chemo and surgeries ended?

2. What happened that devastated Jaouad and her loved ones after she thought she was done with chemo in Part III?

3. How did Jaouad's parents react to the news of her breakup with Will?

4. Why did Jaouad get so angry at Will that she threw an ornament at him in Part III?

5. What did Jaouad do to try to move on after breaking up with Will?

6. Where did Jaouad and Will move in Part III, and why did they move there?

7. Why is home an "elusive" concept for Jaouad (141)?

8. How did Jaouad's road trip start out?

9. What did Jon think of Jaouad's road trip at first?

10. What big trip did Jaouad take in Part IV?

(see the answer keys)

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