Between the World and Me Test | Final Test - Hard

Ta-Nehisi Coates
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Between the World and Me Test | Final Test - Hard

Ta-Nehisi Coates
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the city of Manhattan try to build over a slave burial site?

2. What photographs did the mother of the author's son take while she was away?

3. From what does the author draw joy?

4. To where did the mother of the author's son travel when she turned 30?

5. Why does the author apologize to his son?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why are black children told to be "twice as good"?

2. What reasons does the author give for the woman feeling validated in pushing his son off the escalator?

3. How does the death of the boy on page 112 (Jordan Davis) reinforce the author's theory that the "Dream" is dangerous?

4. Why does the author worry that others will tell his son that the lessons he is trying to teach are an unnecessary part of the past?

5. How does the author contrast black and white societies?

6. What does the author mean by every country having an "above" and a "below"?

7. According to the author, how is racism experienced through city planning and real estate?

8. How does the author compare the flight of Abraham Brian to the fear of the modern black man?

9. According to Coats, how have the American legal system and the banking industry conspired together to create the illusion known as "The Dream"?

10. How did the author's trip to Paris affect his view of what it means to live in a black body?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The author speaks often of a body that is easily broken. The theme of impending violence is an undercurrent that runs throughout the memoir. Is the author referring solely to physical violence or to a deeper emotional state of being? Based off of the author's observations, which might be more damaging in the long run - the threat of physical violence or a constant undercurrent of emotional upheaval?

Essay Topic 2

Compare how the events of September 11, 2001 affected the author with how a majority of Americans reacted to the tragedy at the time. Did the attacks eventually unify or divide the nation? Did the author feel a part of that movement? Why or why not? In your opinion, does his opinion represent that of a majority of black Americans?

Essay Topic 3

While at Howard University, the author was influenced by such poets such as Robert Hayden and Ethelbert Miller. Their lyrical influence is still evident even in his memoir. How does the author's style of writing and choice of words reflect a poetic influence? Be specific in the examples you give. What are the potential benefits of using poetic language in a non-fiction work such as "Between the World and Me"? What are the potential drawbacks of using figurative, rather than literal language?

(see the answer keys)

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