Between the World and Me Test | Final Test - Easy

Ta-Nehisi Coates
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Between the World and Me Test | Final Test - Easy

Ta-Nehisi Coates
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What threats were made against the author when his son was pushed off the escalator?
(a) None.
(b) He was threatened with a gun.
(c) He was threatened with arrest.
(d) He was threatened with a beating.

2. Whom was the author interviewing in Chicago?
(a) Black businessmen.
(b) Black politicians.
(c) Elderly black men and women.
(d) Black gang leaders.

3. Whom does the author blame for the death of Prince Jones?
(a) A police officer.
(b) God.
(c) America and its fears.
(d) The educational system.

4. What excuse did the man on page 112 give for shooting the boy in the car?
(a) He said he was angry.
(b) He claimed the boy was trying to run him over with the car.
(c) He claimed to have seen a shotgun in the car.
(d) He claimed the gun went off by accident.

5. How did the Internet affect the author's writing?
(a) He felt a sense of disembodiment.
(b) He spent far too much time on social media.
(c) He could find relevant research faster.
(d) His blog made him internationally famous.

6. What eventually happened to the officer who shot Prince Jones?
(a) He was lynched by a mob.
(b) He was sent to jail.
(c) He left the police force.
(d) He returned to work.

7. What concern does the author have about the lessons he is trying to teach his son?
(a) That his son will grow bitter and cynical.
(b) That others will tell his son it is an unnecessary part of the past.
(c) That his son will be embarrassed by him.
(d) That others will make fun of his son.

8. Why did the author feel it was unnecessary to forgive the man who killed Prince Jones?
(a) The man needed to forgive himself.
(b) He was merely expressing America's beliefs about black men.
(c) He was dead.
(d) Forgiveness does not bring back the dead.

9. According to the author, what is the problem with defining a race?
(a) Races shift based off of who is the "beneath" and who is the "above."
(b) There is more intermarriage in a global society.
(c) There are too many variations to categorize.
(d) Race is a cultural - not genetic - term.

10. What realization did he author make after the mother of his son returned from her trip?
(a) People are naturally inclined to exclude.
(b) There are too many doors in France.
(c) Humanity is naturally divided into different little worlds.
(d) He needed to travel and experience other people.

11. How does the author describe the love of white families for their children?
(a) Obsessive.
(b) Cold.
(c) Dark.
(d) Spiritual.

12. To where did the author move to in 2001?
(a) Chicago.
(b) New York.
(c) Los Angeles.
(d) Atlanta.

13. Why does the author believe Prince Jones was willing to die?
(a) For the greater good of man.
(b) In order to protect his family.
(c) For the cause of black power.
(d) Because he believed in God.

14. Which protest sign did the author see while in France that reminded him of his blackness?
(a) Jordan Davis.
(b) Prince Jones.
(c) Trayvon Martin.
(d) Abner Louima.

15. According to the author, "In America, it is traditional to destroy the _____" what?
(a) Soul.
(b) Victim.
(c) Black body.
(d) Past.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom did the author shove when his son was pushed off the escalator?

2. How does the author describe Prince Jones?

3. What photographs did the mother of the author's son take while she was away?

4. Who was Abraham Brian?

5. What does the author imagine white parents might tell their children?

(see the answer keys)

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