Between Shades of Gray Test | Final Test - Medium

Ruta Sepetys
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Between Shades of Gray Test | Final Test - Medium

Ruta Sepetys
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is Andrius able to stay at the camp?
(a) His mother prostitutes herself as a bribe.
(b) He does all the paperwork for the commandant.
(c) He prostitutes himself to the soldiers who like men.
(d) He pretends to be stupid.

2. How do the women act the rest of the day after the soldiers try to scare them?
(a) They try to find some humor in the situation.
(b) They cry as they work.
(c) They mumble bad things about the soldiers.
(d) They do not speak.

3. What does one of the men insist is happening to the prisoners?
(a) They are going to be set free in Siberia.
(b) They are being taken to America.
(c) They are going to work in Russian factories.
(d) They are going to be shot.

4. What is Lina doing when she sees her mother collapse?
(a) Working in the fields.
(b) Working on the assembly line.
(c) Stealing wood.
(d) Smuggling food to an elderly woman.

5. What does Janina tell the bald man?
(a) Hitler might be killing Jews.
(b) Her family hid his daughter.
(c) Her family knows his son.
(d) Hitler is turning out to be worse than Stalin.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why are the prisoners forced to hide?

2. What does Joana not understand about her father's actions?

3. How does Lina's family get to their new destination?

4. What does the old bald man say about himself?

5. What do the soldiers start throwing in the dirt?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the story behind the stone that Jonas gives Andrius?

2. What do the prisoners have to do immediately when they arrive at Trofimovsk?

3. What has Hitler done in Lithuania, and what is the bald man's response to the action?

4. What does Andrius say about his mother and why she is doing what she does?

5. What happens to Jonas?

6. What does Lina steal and how does she explain it to Andrius?

7. What do readers learn in the Epilogue?

8. What news does Mrs. Rimas recieve in a letter and how is it coded?

9. What does Elena have Lina do for Mr. Stalas, and what is Lina's response to the task?

10. What does Lina observe about Andrius' mother when Lina slips away after eating her potato that Jonas brought?

(see the answer keys)

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