Between Shades of Gray Test | Final Test - Easy

Ruta Sepetys
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Between Shades of Gray Test | Final Test - Easy

Ruta Sepetys
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why are the prisoners given more food than usual?
(a) There is more available in this region.
(b) So they can work harder at their destination.
(c) They are not given more food.
(d) There is a new, more compassionate commandant.

2. What does Lina learn about Jonas?
(a) He has been conscripted for Stalin's army.
(b) He is very ill.
(c) He has escaped.
(d) He has been injured.

3. What can Lina not get over?
(a) That Andrius did not come with them.
(b) That Kretsky has been so kind.
(c) That the bald man would know about her family when she did not.
(d) That her family is there while Joana's family is comfortable in Germany.

4. What does Elena learn that makes her collapse?
(a) That they are going to be shot.
(b) That her husband has been killed in prison.
(c) That Jonas is being sent away.
(d) That Lina is being sent away.

5. Why do the soldiers pay no attention to the prisoners?
(a) The soldiers have nice-looking town girls around them.
(b) Their commandant orders them to turn their heads.
(c) The soldiers know the prisoners can't escape.
(d) The prisoners are so skinny as to be androgynous.

6. What does Janina tell the bald man?
(a) Her family knows his son.
(b) Her family hid his daughter.
(c) Hitler might be killing Jews.
(d) Hitler is turning out to be worse than Stalin.

7. What does Lina steal?
(a) A few wilted vegetables.
(b) Logs.
(c) More beets.
(d) A few moldy potatoes.

8. What does the old bald man say about himself?
(a) That he is escaping.
(b) That he is going to get them out of there.
(c) That he is withered.
(d) That he is giving up.

9. What does Lina think of Andrius?
(a) That he betrayed the other prisoners.
(b) That he is dishonest.
(c) That he is kind.
(d) That he is handsome.

10. What does Lina do the next time she sees Andrius?
(a) Thanks him for the extra food he brings.
(b) Blushes at his attentions.
(c) Cries.
(d) Tells him he does not look dirty or hungry.

11. What is Trofimovsk?
(a) The camp where the prisoners arrive.
(b) A fairly new research facility.
(c) A new canning plant.
(d) A weapons manufacture complex.

12. What does Lina wonder about the visitors?
(a) If they saw the signs of many people being there.
(b) If they know what is going on in the camp.
(c) If they cared about what was happening in the camp.
(d) If they came to negotiate the prisoners' release.

13. What is Lina doing when she sees her mother collapse?
(a) Working in the fields.
(b) Stealing wood.
(c) Working on the assembly line.
(d) Smuggling food to an elderly woman.

14. Where has the boat crossed when the prisoners start getting excited that they are going to America?
(a) The Arctic Circle.
(b) They do not know where they are.
(c) The Black Sea.
(d) The English Channel.

15. What interrupts the people's celebration?
(a) Andrius screaming.
(b) Lina finding a puppy.
(c) The arrival of guards.
(d) Jonas falling ill again.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the soldiers tell the woman who have been digging to do?

2. What does Elena say in her letters?

3. About what does the commander renege?

4. Why does Elena think Kretsky was assigned to go with them to Siberia?

5. What do the soldiers start throwing in the dirt?

(see the answer keys)

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