Between Shades of Gray Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ruta Sepetys
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Between Shades of Gray Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ruta Sepetys
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Elena rush to get herself and Lina clean?
(a) She can hardly stand her smell.
(b) She thinks the hot water will be gone quickly.
(c) She thinks the guards will limit their time in the showers.
(d) She is afraid for the two of them to be naked in front of the soldiers for long.

2. How does Elena manage to keep Jonas with them?
(a) Makes a plea to a female soldier as a mother.
(b) Bribes a soldier.
(c) Demands to see the papers that would send him somewhere else.
(d) She is not successful in keeping Jonas with them.

3. Why does Andrius pull Jonas away?
(a) So he doesn't see what happens to Ona.
(b) So he is not run over by a truck coming in with more prisoners.
(c) So he is not separated from his family.
(d) So he is not hit by a guard for being too slow.

4. What does Lina's mother do with their best jewelry?
(a) Buries it in the backyard.
(b) Hides it in the cellar.
(c) Gives it to Christian neighbors for safekeeping.
(d) Sews it into the linings of the coats.

5. What conversation with her father does Lina recall?
(a) About Stalin's agricultural policies.
(b) About peasants.
(c) About the people in this area of Russia.
(d) About the best methods of mass food production.

6. What does Lina remember as her mother is donning her coat?
(a) Her cat.
(b) Her favorite doll.
(c) Her best friend's book.
(d) The items sewn into the lining.

7. How often does the train stop?
(a) Once a day.
(b) Never.
(c) Once a week.
(d) Once every other day.

8. What does Lina tell her mother about people in the other cars?
(a) Nothing as she can't see the others.
(b) They look like they are eating better.
(c) They look sick.
(d) They look like they've given up hope.

9. What does Andrius Arnydas say about his father?
(a) His father knows Stalin and will come to get him.
(b) His father is on his way to Moscow to appeal the sentence.
(c) His father was just killed by soldiers last week.
(d) His father is in the Lithuanian Army.

10. What does Lina realize about her parents' plans?
(a) That they had made no plans.
(b) To escape the country.
(c) To appeal to Stalin for clemency.
(d) To hide among Christian friends.

11. About what does Miss Grybas explain as the train continues south?
(a) The way the various alliances are lined up in WWII.
(b) The Ural Mountains.
(c) The topography that the Germans will have to cross.
(d) The topography that the Russians will have to cross.

12. Who takes care of doing what has to be done concerning Ona's baby?
(a) Miss Grybas.
(b) The bald man.
(c) Lina.
(d) Elena.

13. What does Lina's father give Lina?
(a) Dried fruit and several books.
(b) Dried beef and chocolate.
(c) Ham and warm clothes.
(d) Nothing.

14. Why do they wait for hours at their next stop?
(a) For a woman to give birth.
(b) For some papers to arrive.
(c) For the train to arrive.
(d) For the men's truck to arrive.

15. What did Lina once say about Stalin?
(a) He saved Russia from starvation.
(b) He was a hero.
(c) He should be run out of Lithuania.
(d) He should be hanged.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does a guard do to quiet Ona?

2. What interests Jonas about the farm?

3. For what does the train stop?

4. What is Ona like when she undresses?

5. What day does Lina recall as she is falling asleep?

(see the answer keys)

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