Betrayal in Death Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Betrayal in Death Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Eve inform Peabody that she wants to set up a meeting with?
(a) Feeney and McNab.
(b) Feeney.
(c) McNab.
(d) Whitney.

2. Who is furious that Roarke lets Mick go even though he is guilty of criminal activity?
(a) McNab.
(b) Peabody.
(c) Eve.
(d) Whitney.

3. Who does Eve tell Vince she will have kill him if Vince causes trouble?
(a) Vince's wife.
(b) Peabody.
(c) Magda.
(d) Naples.

4. Who's involvement does Stowe admit allowed Yost to escape?
(a) Whitney's.
(b) Roarke's.
(c) The FBI.
(d) Eve's.

5. What is the name of the complete identity that is found for Yost?
(a) Morten K. Roles.
(b) Andrew D. Roles.
(c) Martin K. Roles.
(d) Andy D. Roles.

6. Where does Yost have lunch in Chapter 15?
(a) A hotel room.
(b) A townhouse.
(c) The beach.
(d) Suite 4602.

7. What does Winifred act as during negotiations with the Germans for a communications station?
(a) A manager.
(b) An interpreter.
(c) A messenger.
(d) A spy.

8. Why does Peabody start to cry in Chapter 14?
(a) She is being followed.
(b) She is scared McNab is going to be the murderers next target.
(c) She is shot.
(d) She has a fight with McNab.

9. What is set to occur at two a.m. at the hotel?
(a) An arrest.
(b) A jail break.
(c) A murder.
(d) The heist.

10. Who tells Vince that their hired hit man missed his target?
(a) Eve.
(b) Peabody.
(c) McNab.
(d) Roarke.

11. Who won't admit they are the source to Feeney's information?
(a) Eve.
(b) McNab.
(c) Mick.
(d) Roarke.

12. What injury does Eve receive during the bust of Yost?
(a) A knife wound.
(b) A broken arm.
(c) A cut leg.
(d) A bloody nose.

13. Where does Summerset rest after he is attacked by Yost?
(a) A grocery.
(b) His home.
(c) On a park bench.
(d) Roarke's office.

14. Whose approach does Stowe follow during her investigation of Yost?
(a) Whitney's.
(b) Yost's.
(c) Feeney's.
(d) Eve's.

15. Who calls Stowe a few days before their death?
(a) Winifred.
(b) Britt Hague.
(c) Joe Hague.
(d) Darlene.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Eve meet at a bar in New York City?

2. What does Roarke order Summerset to do because he is a target for being murdered?

3. What does Summerset attack Yost with?

4. Who does Stowe give a list of names to involved in a communications station?

5. Who punches Mick and knocks him into a pool?

(see the answer keys)

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