Betrayal in Death Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Betrayal in Death Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is impressed by the lushness of Roarke's office?
(a) Yost.
(b) Mick.
(c) Whitney.
(d) Eve.

2. What type of voice is Yost said to have?
(a) High pitched.
(b) Scratchy.
(c) Deep.
(d) Unusual.

3. How far in advance is Suite 4602 booked?
(a) Three weeks.
(b) Six weeks.
(c) One month.
(d) One week.

4. What does Eve attend the auction for Magda Lane as?
(a) Roarke's wife.
(b) A reporter.
(c) A writer.
(d) A cop.

5. Who is considered a random target for Yost?
(a) Darlene.
(b) Dana.
(c) Donna.
(d) Debbie.

6. Who finds information on Yost's purchases in England that occur before the death of the Cornwall smugglers?
(a) Whitney.
(b) Peabody.
(c) Roarke.
(d) Eve.

7. Who owns the company that makes the briefcase Yost owns?
(a) Yost.
(b) Mick.
(c) Roarke.
(d) Eve.

8. What is being auctioned at the event for Magda Lane?
(a) Clothing.
(b) Art and jewelry.
(c) Jewelry only.
(d) Art only.

9. Whose murder does Eve review in Chapter 11?
(a) A federal judge.
(b) A clothing designer.
(c) A school teacher.
(d) A police officer.

10. Who switches identities with a dead man in order to leave Liverpool?
(a) Nick.
(b) Don.
(c) Eric.
(d) Mick.

11. Who is supposed to be the target for the fourth murder performed by Yost?
(a) Mick.
(b) Roarke.
(c) Jacoby.
(d) Dana.

12. Who confronts Jacoby about the search warrant for Yost's home?
(a) Whitney.
(b) Eve.
(c) Peabody.
(d) McNab.

13. Before going to arrest Yost, what do Eve and her team wait for?
(a) The FBI.
(b) Yost's whereabouts to be located.
(c) A team member to arrive.
(d) A search warrant.

14. Who finds Jonah's body?
(a) Mick.
(b) Dana.
(c) Roarke.
(d) Darlene.

15. What does Eve believe the murders may be a result of?
(a) Teenage angst.
(b) A past family death.
(c) A political election.
(d) An old grudge.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who informs Eve of Yost's new appearance at the second homicide?

2. What are the police checking on in order to find Yost?

3. Who informs Eve and her team that the operation to arrest Yost has been aborted?

4. Even if Roarke used all of his money and power, what is he still unable to do?

5. Who does Eve talk to about the homicides in Chapter 12?

(see the answer keys)

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