Beside the Ocean of Time Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beside the Ocean of Time Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What awkward announcement does Matthew Ragnarson make to his children in chapter 6?
(a) He has cancer.
(b) Thorfinn will inherit the farm alone.
(c) Ragna is asked to leave immediately.
(d) He plans to marry again.

2. Why type of car does Thomas Vass drive?
(a) Mercedes.
(b) Horse and buggy.
(c) Austin Martin.
(d) Ford.

3. On what boat does the present laird, Mr. Harcourt-Smithers, arrive in chapter 5?
(a) Scallop.
(b) Solan Goose.
(c) Raven.
(d) Sea King.

4. Where is Matthew Ragnarson buried?
(a) On Orkney Island at the kirk.
(b) The family plot on Norday.
(c) On Selskay where he had moved.
(d) At sea.

5. What do the workmen set up in the Gleb hayfield?
(a) Lottery station.
(b) Beer canteen.
(c) Airport.
(d) Television antennae.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who burns down the original Hall?

2. Who is Billie Holm?

3. What does Matilda Kerrigan do to the three surveyors?

4. What is Elphinstone's role on Norday?

5. After Tina Lyde is chased off by Thorfinn's sister in chapter 6 what does Tina do?

Short Essay Questions

1. In chapter five one of the previous minister uses the title of the book when referring to fossils. What does he mean?

2. What does Thorfinn take with him when he is liberated from the German war camp?

3. How is the story Mr. Simon is telling the class (early in chapter 5) relevant to the fantasy sequence in which Thorfinn marries a seal wife?

4. Why did the hippies finally leave Norday Island?

5. What is a press gang?

6. Why did Sophie come back to Norday Island in the end?

7. Who is Sophie?

8. What does Thorfinn find when he goes, after many long years, back to the loft where he had locked up Mara's seal skin?

9. What kind of food does Mara the seal wife like to eat?

10. Why are all the doors gone from the island homes when Thorfinn returns to Norday after many years absence?

(see the answer keys)

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