Beside the Ocean of Time Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beside the Ocean of Time Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What piece of technology does Matthew Ragnarson bring home in chapter 6?
(a) Television.
(b) Xerox machine.
(c) Telephone.
(d) Wireless set.

2. What dates are carved on Jacob Olafson's stone?
(a) 1800-1901.
(b) 1865-1930.
(c) 1887-1889.
(d) 1888-1905.

3. Who from Norday volunteers to fight for King George II against the French?
(a) Tobin Raffel.
(b) Thorfinn Ragnarson.
(c) John Elphinston.
(d) Elijah Ayre.

4. When does the Bishop Usher set the date of Creation?
(a) 1 million years before Christ.
(b) 4004 BC.
(c) 10,000 BC.
(d) 2 AD.

5. Where does Thomas Vass move after Norday is deserted?
(a) Kirkcaldy.
(b) London.
(c) Iran.
(d) Boston.

6. What does the Norday pastor pick up "beside the ocean of time" in chapter 5?
(a) Wisdom.
(b) Broch stones.
(c) Jewels.
(d) Fossils.

7. Who is Billie Holm?
(a) Lawyer for British government.
(b) Head of the construction gang.
(c) Press gang leader.
(d) Porter and odd job man for James MacTavish.

8. Who is Thomas Vass?
(a) Sophie's intended groom.
(b) Laird's factor, who manages his property and business.
(c) Village smithy.
(d) Laird's uncle.

9. In the actual history what happens to Prince Charles Edward after he escapes?
(a) He marries a Russian Princess and lives in great splendor.
(b) He commits suicide rather than face execution.
(c) He lives a life of exile, disappointment, and alcoholism.
(d) He becomes the ruler of France.

10. What brought Doctor Lamond down to the work site?
(a) The construction chief was ill with diptheria.
(b) Murphy and Watson had a fight.
(c) Consumption had began to be spread.
(d) A fire burned several men to death.

11. Where does Thorfinn see peat smoke rising from on what he thinks is a deserted Norday?
(a) Smylder.
(b) Ingle.
(c) Glebe.
(d) Swinhurst.

12. Who does Jimmy Greenay save from drowning in chapter 7?
(a) Dr. Lamond who struggles physically with a workman.
(b) The laird who tries to commit suicide in the ruckus.
(c) The engineer who breaks his ankle in a rockpool.
(d) MacTavish who wanders down to the shore while drinking.

13. What is the oddest thing the hippie families try to grow on the deserted Norday Island?
(a) Palm trees.
(b) Rice.
(c) Snakes.
(d) Bamboo.

14. What are the villagers celebrating in the summer of 1937?
(a) Norday's independence from Orkney.
(b) Emancipation of Scotland from Ireland.
(c) Coronation of King George and Queen Elizabeth.
(d) End of World War II.

15. Where is Matthew Ragnarson buried?
(a) The family plot on Norday.
(b) On Selskay where he had moved.
(c) At sea.
(d) On Orkney Island at the kirk.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who brings Thorfinn his supplies on the deserted Norday Island now that everyone else has gone?

2. Why type of car does Thomas Vass drive?

3. What type of book does Thorfinn write while in prison?

4. What is Thorfinn given in the prison camp to help him write?

5. What is the grand plan of the government for Norday island's new purpose?

(see the answer keys)

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