Beside the Ocean of Time Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beside the Ocean of Time Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Chapter 1

1. Who is the most lazy and useless boy who ever went to Norday school?
(a) Bob Bush.
(b) Thorfinn Ragnarson.
(c) Mr. Simon.
(d) Matthew Ragnarson.

2. What does Matthew Ragnarson buy from the village store at the beginning of chapter 1?
(a) An ounce of bogey roll, box of matches and four bars of chocolate.
(b) Flour, eggs and ham.
(c) Horse feed, leather soap and a cigar.
(d) Stamps, glue and a letter opener.

3. What is the place named Ingle?
(a) Harbor bar.
(b) Village store.
(c) County seat.
(d) Ragnarson's farm.

4. What are the names of Matthew Ragnarson's daughters?
(a) Rounda, Tilta and Frontario.
(b) Rita, Mildred and Margaret.
(c) Inga, Sigrid and Ragna.
(d) Isa, Tina and Bella.

5. What is the Solan Goose?
(a) Russian duck.
(b) Bicycle for two.
(c) Swedish ship.
(d) Roasted young goose.

6. What do the visitors bring to the Prince Boris in Thorfinn's first dream?
(a) Kegs of brandy.
(b) White horse.
(c) Butterfly nets.
(d) Iron ore.

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